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The Resurrection of Jesus

1st Glorious Mystery of the Rosary
Solemnity - date varies, depending on the moon!

Pope Francis's words in: 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, the Jubilee of Mercy 2016, 2015, 2014 & the Year of Faith 2013
Papa Benedict XVI's words in: 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007 & 2006
Saint John Paul II's words in: 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, 2001, the great Jubilee 2000, 1990, 1984, 1980 & 1979

Sunday Evangelium by Fr Marcus Holden     
"Then we can begin to see not only the resurrection as a fact, as a historical matter, but see the significance of these events, their meaning, what they stand for, for us, and for the world, and for everything. Not just a great miracle, a wonderful bloke coming back to life, not merely a grand proof of all he taught, not only a sign of life beyond the grave, nor just of God's presence amongst us. But what we are talking about here is a new beginning, a new creation, human life transformed, renewed, glorified and communicated to us."

3 2us by Father Tony Nye SJ      
"We are supported by love. That was the key I think to the beloved disciple’s faith in today’s Gospel. He looked into the empty tomb, when he had given way to Peter first. He saw and he believed. He believed because he loved and knew himself to be loved. May each one of us grow a bit more in our faith in the Risen Lord this Easter, in love and in being loved."

Papa Francis's Homily at the Easter Vigil 2018      

"And if yesterday, with the women, we contemplated “the one whom they have pierced” (cf Jn 19, 36; cf Zech 12, 10), today with them we are called to contemplate the empty tomb and to listen to the words of the angel: “Do not be afraid… He is risen” (Mt 28, 5-6). Words that want to reach our deepest convictions and certainties, our ways of judging and dealing with everyday events; especially our way of relating with others. The empty tomb wants to challenge, move, question us, but above all it wants to encourage us to believe and trust that God “happens” in any situation, in any person, and that his light can reach into the most unpredictable and closed corners of existence. He has risen from death, he has risen from the place from which nobody awaits anything and He awaits us – as He awaited the women – so as to render us participants in his work of salvation. This is the foundation and the strength that we have as Christians so as to spend our lives and our energy, intelligence, affections and will in seeking and especially in generating pathways of dignity. He is not here… He is risen! It is the announcement that sustains our hope and transforms it into concrete gestures of love. How much we need to let our fragility be anointed by this experience! How much we need our faith to be renewed, our myopic horizons to be challenged and renewed by this announcement! He is risen and with Him rises our creative hope to face actual problems, because we know that we are not alone.

To celebrate Easter means to believe anew that God bursts into and does not cease to burst into our stories, defying our uniform and paralyzing determinisms. To celebrate Easter means to let Jesus conquer that pusillanimous attitude that so often besieges us and tries to bury every kind of hope.

The stone of the sepulchre has done its part, the women have done their part, now the invitation is addressed once again to you and to me: the invitation to break from repetitive habits, to renew our lives, our choices and our existence. An invitation that is addressed to us here where we find ourselves, in that which we are doing and are being; with the “quota of power” that we have. Do we want to participate in this announcement of life or will we remain silent before events?

He is not here… he is risen! And he is waiting for you in Galilee, he is inviting you to return/go back to the time and place of the first love, so as to say to you: Do not be afraid, follow me."

Catechesis by Pope Saint John Paul II in the Easter Octave
Wednesday 18th April 1979 - also in French, Italian, Portuguese & Spanish

"1. "Haec dies quam fecit Dominus"

All these days between Easter Sunday and the second Sunday after Easter "in Albis" constitute, in a certain sense, the One Day. The liturgy is concentrated on an Event, on the one Mystery. "He has risen, he is not here" (Mk 16, 6). He fulfilled the Passover. He revealed the meaning of the Passing. He confirmed the truth of his words. He spoke the last word of his message: the message of the Good News, of the Gospel. God himself, who is the Father, the author of life, God himself who does not want death (cf Ez 18, 23,32) and "created all things that they might exist" (Wis 1, 14), manifested his Love, in Him and through Him, right to the end. Love means Life.

The Resurrection is the definitive testimony of Life, that is, of Love.

"Mors et vita duello conflixere mirando / Dux vitae mortuus regnat Vivus"!

"Death and Life faced each other / in an amazing duel. The Lord of life had died; but now, alive, He triumphs" (Sequence).

"This is the Day which the Lord has made" (Psalm 117 (118), 24): "excelsior cunctis, lucidior universis, in quo Dominus resurrexit, in quo sibi novam plebem... regenerationis spiritu conquisivit, in quo singuloruin mentes gaudio et exsultatione perfudit" (more sublime than all, more luminous than all; on which the Lord rose again; on which he won for himself a new people... by means of the spirit of regeneration; on which he filled the soul of everyone with joy and exultation — St Augustine, Sermo 168, in Pascha X.1).

This One Day corresponds, in a certain way, to all the seven days, of which the book of Genesis speaks, and which were the days of creation (cf Gen 1-2). Therefore we celebrate them all on this one day. On these days during the octave we celebrate the mystery of the new Creation. This mystery is expressed in the Person of the Risen Christ. He himself is already this Mystery and is for us its announcement, the invitation to it. The leaven. By virtue of this invitation and of this leaven we all become in Jesus Christ the "new creation".

"Let us, therefore, celebrate the festival, not with the old leaven... but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth" (1 Cor 5, 8).

2. Christ, after his resurrection, returns to the same place from which he had gone to his Passion and death. He returns to the Upper Room, where the apostles were. While the doors were closed, he came, stood among them and said: "Peace be with you". And he goes on: "As the Father has sent me, even so I send you... Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained" (Jn 20, 19-23).

How significant are these first words of Jesus after his Resurrection! The message of the Risen Christ is contained in them. When he says: "Receive the Holy Spirit", there comes into our mind the same Upper Room in which Jesus delivered the farewell address. Then he uttered the words pregnant with the mystery of his heart: "It is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Counsellor will not come to you; but if I go, I will send him to you" (Jn 16, 7). He said so thinking of the Holy Spirit.

And now, after having made his sacrifice, his "departure" through the Cross, he comes again to the Upper Room to bring them the One he has promised. The Gospel says: "He breathed on them, and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit" (Jn 20, 22). He states the mature word of his Passover. He brings them the Gift of the Passion and the Fruit of Resurrection. With this gift he models them anew. He bestows on them the power of awakening others to Life, even when this Life is dead in them: "If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven" (Jn 20, 23).

Fifty days will pass from the Resurrection to Pentecost. But the essential Gift and the Fruit of Pentecost are already enclosed in this One Day which the Lord has made (cf Ps 117 (118), 24). When Christ says: "Receive the Holy Spirit", he proclaims his paschal mystery to the end.

"Hoc autem est mysticum et secretissimum, quod nemo novit, nisi qui accipit, nec accipit nisi qui desiderat, nec desiderat, nisi quem ignos Spiritus Sancti medullitus inflammat, quem Christus misit in terram" (This is a mysterious and hidden reality, which no one knows but he who receives it, and no one receives it but he who desires it, and no one desires it but he who is inflamed in the innermost depths of his heart by the Holy Spirit, whom Christ sent on the earth (St Bonaventure, Itinerarium mentis in Deum, cap. 7, 4).

3. The Second Vatican Council again illuminated the paschal mystery in the earthly pilgrimage of the People of God. It drew from it the full image of the Church, which always plunges its roots in this salvific mystery, and draws vital sap from it. "In the human nature united to himself, the son of God, by overcoming death through his own death and resurrection, redeemed man and changed him into a new creation (cf Gal 6, 15; 2 Cor 5, 17). For by communicating his Spirit, Christ mystically constitutes as his body those brothers of his who are called together from every nation. In that body the life of Christ is communicated to those who believe and who, through the sacraments, are united in a hidden and real way to Christ in his passion and glorification" (Lumen Gentium, 7).

The Church remains constantly in the mystery of the Son which was accomplished with the descent of the Spirit, at Pentecost.

The paschal octave is the Day of the Church!

Living this Day, we must accept, together with it, the words that rang out for the first time in the Upper Room where the Risen Christ appeared: "As the Father has sent me, even so I send you" (Jn 20, 21).

To accept the Risen Christ means accepting the mission, as those who were gathered at that moment in the Upper Room, the apostles, accepted it.

To believe in the Risen Christ means taking part in the same mission of salvation which he carried out with the paschal mystery. Faith is a conviction of the intellect and of the heart.

This conviction takes on its full meaning when participation in this mission, which Christ accepted from the Father, springs from it. To believe means accepting as a consequence this mission from Christ.

Among the apostles, Thomas was absent when the Risen Christ came for the first time to the Upper Room. This Thomas, who declared aloud to his brothers "Unless I see... I will not believe" (Jn 20, 25), was convinced by the next coming of the Risen Christ. Then, as we know, all his reservations vanished and he professed his faith with these words: "My Lord and my God" (Jn 20, 28). Together with the experience of the paschal mystery, he reconfirmed his participation in Christ's mission. As if, eight days afterwards, these words of Christ: "As the Father has sent me, even so I send you" (cf Jn 20, 21), reached him, too.

Thomas became a mature witness to Christ.

4. The Second Vatican Council teaches the doctrine on the mission of the whole People of God, which has been called to take part in the mission of Christ himself (cf Lumen Gentium, 10-12). It is a triple mission. Christ — Priest, Prophet and King — expressed his mission to the end in the paschal mystery, in the Resurrection.

Each of us in this large community of the Church, of the People of God, takes part in this mission by means of the sacrament of Baptism. Each of us is called to faith in the Resurrection like Thomas: "Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side; do not be faithless, but believing" (Jn 20, 27).

Each of us has the duty of defining the meaning of his own life by means of this faith. This life has a very varied form. It is we ourselves who give it a determined form. And it is precisely our faith which brings it about that the life of each one of us is penetrated somewhere by this mission, which Jesus Christ, our Redeemer, accepted from the Father and shared with us. Faith brings it about that some part of the paschal mystery penetrates the life of each of us. A certain irradiation of it.

We must find this ray in order to live it every day for all this time, which began again on the Day which the Lord has made."

Ai giovani

"Un saluto particolarmente affettuoso va ora ai ragazzi, alle ragazze e a tutti i giovani venuti così numerosi ad allietare questa udienza generale. Carissimi, vi ringrazio di cuore per questa vostra significativa presenza e per la gioia che mi procurate col dono della vostra giovinezza e della vostra fede in Cristo risorto. In questo tempo pasquale, vi dirò con l’Apostolo Paolo: “Se dunque siete risorti con Cristo, cercate le cose di lassù, dove si trova Cristo assiso alla destra di Dio; pensate alle cose di lassù, non a quelle della terra” (Col 3,1-2).Cari giovani, in alto i cuori e sempre avanti nel nome del Signore!

Ai malati

Un pensiero, ormai consueto, ma sempre nuovo e vivamente sentito, desidero rivolgere a quanti di voi sono sofferenti. Le piaghe gloriose di Cristo risorto valgano ad illuminare e sanare le vostre ferite, fisiche e morali, tuttora aperte e doloranti. Ricordate la massima ascetica: “Per crucem ad lucem”, cioè: attraverso le sofferenze della Croce si giunge alla beatitudine della luce. Sappiate che Cristo con la sua Risurrezione ha riscattato e redento il dolore, il quale ha così acquistato la sua dignità, essendo stato chiamato ad uscire dalla sua inutilità e a diventare fonte positiva di bene e segno luminoso di speranza non fallace. Vi conforti sempre la mia speciale Benedizione Apostolica.

Agli sposi

Agli sposi novelli auguro che la gioia pasquale, che in questi giorni irradia nei nostri cuori, li accompagni per tutta la loro vita, e li aiuti a vincere i pericoli, sempre insorgenti, dell’egoismo, il grande male della vita familiare. Vi accompagni anche, lungo il corso della vostra vita, il canto dell’“alleluia”, che in questi giorni risuona nelle nostre chiese. Questo canto liturgico, che significa “Lodate il Signore”, risuoni sempre nelle vostre case e nei vostri cuori a testimonianza della letizia cristiana. Vi benedico di cuore.


Ancora una parola per invitarvi alla preghiera. Abbiamo gioito insieme per la vittoria di Cristo sulla morte, gustando la sovrabbondanza di grazia e di vita che ci è stata comunicata da lui. Pasqua è veramente una festa di gioia e di vita.

Eppure non possiamo dimenticare il dolore, la mestizia che hanno avvolto, proprio in questi giorni, con la perdita di vite umane, con sofferenze e privazioni di ogni genere, i popoli di alcune regioni del mondo: per un improvviso cataclisma, come il terremoto che ha colpito, la mattina di Pasqua, numerosi centri abitati in Jugoslavia e in Albania; oppure a causa dell’aggravarsi di tensioni politiche e sociali, di lotte armate, in Rhodesia, in Uganda, in Nicaragua; o per il riaccendersi di fiammate punitive, doloroso strascico di precedenti rivolgimenti.

Vorrei che la preghiera che insieme rivolgiamo al Signore, con l’intercessione di Maria regina dei cieli, potesse implorare pace ai morti, sollievo ai feriti e ai senza tetto, protezione alle popolazioni minacciate da incursioni o rappresaglie, umanità per i prigionieri e clemenza per i vinti, perdono e riconciliazione per tutti.