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Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord 2005

Pope St John Paul II's words at the Angelus in St Peter's Square
Thursday, 6 January 2005 - also in French, German, Italian, Portuguese & Spanish

"1. "We... have come to worship him" (Mt 2, 2). These words of the Magi which we heard in the Gospel are the theme of the next World Youth Day that will be held in Cologne this August. I invite the young people of Germany and their peers across the world to set out in spirit toward this important rendezvous, to discover the Face of God in Christ and in the Magi.

2. Epiphany is also the World Day of Missionary Children. Children are the present and future of the Church. They play an active role in the evangelization of the world and, with their prayers, help to save and improve it.

As I renew my prayers for the small victims of the tsunami in Asia, I cannot forget the children who are victims of hunger and disease, of war and terrorism, nor, in addition, those who are kidnapped, disappear or are exploited by despicable trafficking.

3. My grateful thoughts go to all those who are committed to protecting the littlest ones, and especially to the Pontifical Society of the Holy Childhood.

"Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it" (Mk 10, 15). May Mary Most Holy, who today presents Christ to the peoples, help us to adore him with a child's heart."

After the Angelus

"Ai fratelli e alle sorelle delle Chiese Orientali che celebrano in questi giorni il Santo Natale rivolgo il mio cordiale augurio di pace e di letizia nel Signore.

Saluto i pellegrini presenti, in particolare i partecipanti al corteo storico-folcloristico, che quest’anno si ispira alle tradizioni del territorio di Fiumicino. Saluto inoltre i cresimandi di Villafranca Padovana con il Parroco, i catechisti e i genitori.

Buona festa dell’Epifania!"

Pope St John Paul II's address on the Feast of Epiphany
Wednesday 5 January 2005 - also in French, German, Italian, Portuguese & Spanish

"1. I am happy to welcome you, dearest Brothers and Sisters, to this first general audience of 2005. In these days we have contemplated the great mystery of the birth of Jesus. In him God has entered definitively into history, so as to offer salvation to the men and women of all places and of all times.

We are reminded precisely of this universality of salvation by the feast of the Epiphany, which we will celebrate tomorrow. The Son of God, born in Bethlehem, is recognized and adored by the Magi come from the East, qualified representatives of the whole of humanity.

2. The good news of salvation is thus projected from the very beginning to all the peoples of the world. We entrust this missionary task of the Christian people to Mary, Mother of the Church. Under her protection we place the year just begun, marked by great apprehension also for the dramatic situation which the populations of South-East Asia are experiencing.

We ask Our Lady to watch over the whole world. We ask this with the words of the ancient Marian hymn, which rang out at the beginning of this audience.

3. Loving Mother of the Redeemer,
Queen of peace,
assist your people,
defend them from every danger,
accompany the Church
on her pathway towards the eternal Homeland. Amen!"


"Je salue cordialement les pèlerins de langue française présents à cette audience. Que la Vierge Marie vous accompagne tout au long de l’année nouvelle ! Bonne année à tous !

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I offer a warm welcome to all the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors present at today’s Audience. I greet particularly the Vincentians from India and the groups from Australia and the United States of America. I cordially invoke upon you the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ in this Christmas Season. I wish you all a happy New Year!

Mit großer Freude begrüße ich die deutschsprachigen Pilger und Besucher zu dieser ersten Audienz im neuen Jahr! Christus, der Herr, ist erschienen. Sein Heil werde allen Menschen und Völkern zuteil! Maria, die Königin des Friedens, helfe und begleite uns auf all unseren Wegen. – Euch allen ein gesegnetes, glückliches Neues Jahr!

Saludo con afecto a los peregrinos y familias de lengua española. En especial a los peregrinos de Puerto Rico, acompañados por el Señor Cardenal Luis Aponte Martínez y al grupo del Regnum Christi. Que todos podáis experimentar la protección de la Madre del Redentor. Muchas gracias por vuestra atención y feliz y próspero año nuevo.

Pozdravljam i od srca blagoslivljam učenice Ženske Klasične gimnazije sestara milosrdnica svetoga Vinka Paulskoga iz Zagreba. Dobro došle! Predrage, neka svjetlo Božićnoga otajstva uvijek prosvjetljuje vaš život. Hvaljen Isus i Marija.

1. Bracia i Siostry! Rozważamy w tych dniach wielką tajemnicę narodzenia Chrystusa, Bożego Syna. W Jego osobie Bóg wkroczył w historię świata, by ofiarować ludziom łaskę zbawienia. Ten dar ma charakter powszechny, dotyczy ludzi wszystkich epok i miejsc. Przypomina o tym także Uroczystość Objawienia Pańskiego, którą będziemy obchodzili jutro. W osobach Mędrców ze Wschodu, którzy adorują Syna Bożego w Betlejem jest reprezentowana cała ludzkość.

2. Nasze, misyjne zadanie głoszenia radosnego orędzia zbawienia zawierzamy Maryi, Matce Kościoła. Jej również zawierzamy Nowy Rok i jego dramatyczny początek wraz z doświadczeniem, które stało się udziałem narodów południowo-wschodniej Azji. Uczyńmy to słowami maryjnego hymnu: „Łaskawa Matko Odkupiciela, Królowo pokoju, pośpiesz na ratunek Twojemu Ludowi, broń go od wszelkich niebezpieczeństw i wspieraj Kościół w jego drodze do wiecznej Ojczyzny".

Bardzo serdecznie witam i pozdrawiam obecnych tu moich Rodaków! W szczególny sposób pozdrawiam dzisiaj Klub Sportowy Cracovia, który świętuje 100-lecie swej działalności. Od wielu lat byłem z nim związany. Życzę Wam wielu sukcesów sportowych, a także wychowawczych. Wszystkim uczestnikom tej pierwszej audiencji w Nowym Roku życzę raz jeszcze błogosławionego Roku 2005. Niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus.

Rivolgo un cordiale pensiero ai pellegrini di lingua italiana. In particolare, saluto con affetto i chierichetti della diocesi di Asti, accompagnati dal loro Pastore Monsignor Francesco Ravinale, e il gruppo delle Apostole del Sacro Cuore. Il mio saluto va inoltre, come di consueto, ai giovani, ai malati e agli sposi novelli.

In Europa, la giornata odierna è dedicata al lutto per le numerose vittime del maremoto, che ha tragicamente colpito il Sud-Est Asiatico. Ancora una volta, chiedo a tutti di unirsi alla mia preghiera per i tanti morti e per le popolazioni in gravi difficoltà.

Preghiamo, con il canto del Pater Noster."