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Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary 2002

Blessed Pope John Paul II's words at the Angelus
- in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese & Spanish

"1. The Solemnity of the Assumption in body and soul of Mary into heaven at the heart of the summer season, reminds us of what our true and ultimate dwelling place is: Heaven. As the Letter to the Hebrews says: "Here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city which is to come" (13,14). In the mystery which we contemplate today we find clearly revealed the destiny of every human creature: the victory over death, to live forever with God. Mary is the perfect woman in whom even now the divine plan is fulfilled, as a pledge of our resurrection. She is the first fruit of Divine Mercy since she was the first to share in the divine covenant sealed and fully realized in Christ who died and rose for us.

2. "Blessed is she who believed in the fulfilment of what was spoken to her by the Lord" (Lk 1,45). These words well describe Mary, the Virgin of the fiat, who with her total availability opened the doors to the Saviour of the world. Great and heroic was the obedience of her faith; it was through this faith that Mary was perfectly united to Christ, in death and glory. Looking to her strengthens our faith in what we await, and at the same time, we understand better the meaning and value of our earthly pilgrimage.

3. O Mary, Mother of hope, strong with your help we do not fear obstacles and difficulties; fatigue and sufferings do not discourage us, because you accompany us on the path of life and from heaven, you watch over all your children filling them with grace. To you we entrust the destiny of the peoples and the mission of the Church. Today especially, I want to entrust to you my pastoral journey to Poland on which, please God, I will set out tomorrow.

Dear brothers and sisters, I ask you to accompany me with your prayers."

After the Angelus:

"Je suis heureux de saluer tous les pèlerins de langue française, en particulier les "Petits Chanteurs de Sainte-Croix de Neuilly". Soyez, comme la Vierge, attentifs à la Parole du Seigneur, gardez-la dans votre cœur! Avec la Bénédiction apostolique.

I greet the English-speaking visitors present for this Angelus prayer, including the pilgrimage group from Malta. May Mary, from her place in heaven, guide you and your families to the glorious Kingdom of Jesus her Son.

Herzlich grüße ich Euch, liebe Pilger und Besucher deutscher Sprache. Möge der Herr auf die Fürbitte der Muttergottes euch im Glauben und in der Hoffnung bestärken und euch stets auf eurem Lebensweg begleiten.

En la solemnidad de la Asunción de la Virgen María saludo con afecto a los Oficiales de la Academia Politécnica del Ejército de Chile y demás peregrinos de lengua española, a los cuales doy mi Bendición.

Saúdo agora os peregrinos de língua portuguesa aqui presentes, mormente o grupo Arautos do Evangelho de Portugal, pedindo a Deus graça e paz para a Associação e seus familiares.

Dziś pragnę pozdrowić pielgrzymów, którzy zgromadzili się w Kalwarii Zebrzydowskiej pod przewodnictwem kardynałów i biskupów, aby w dniu Wniebowzięcia Matki Bożej w szczególny sposób obchodzić 400-lecie istnienia Sanktuarium. Łączę się z wami duchowo, z nadzieją, że - jak Pan Bóg pozwoli - już wkrótce dołaczę do kalwaryjskich pątników, aby dziękować Bogu za wszystkie łaski, jakich w ciągu tych czterech wieków udzielał pokoleniom wiernych w tym Sankturarium. Niech to wasze pielgrzymowanie stanie się dla wszystkich źródłem obfitego błogosławieństwa. Do zobaczenia! Z Bogiem!

Saluto, infine, i pellegrini italiani. In particolare, i membri della Compagnia di Maria Assunta, Istituto religioso che quest'anno celebra il quarantesimo di fondazione; un gruppo di Nomadelfia e i fedeli della parrocchia di Brugine, Padova, e il gruppo dei partecipanti al corso di aggiornamento del CEDEL, dell'Opus Dei. Saluto inoltre i pellegrini delle parrocchie della Cattedrale di Caltanissetta e del Redentore di Canicattì, ed i giovani di Azione Cattolica della parrocchia di Casalserugo (Padova).

Un ricordo speciale va alle vittime del maltempo, che in questi giorni ha colpito alcune nazioni dell'Europa, e a quanti stanno soffrendo per i gravi disagi causati dalle inondazioni. A tutti assicuro la mia spirituale vicinanza e invoco su ciascuno la materna protezione della Madonna.

Auguro a tutti una buona festa dell'Assunta."

JPII - Castel Gandolfo - Thursday, 15 August 2002