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Somethings about Mary in December 2016

Many, many thanks to ... for giving their 'something' about Mary this month.

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If you'd like to give Our Lady a metaphorical bunch of flowers by saying your something about Mary, please, pretty please, contact the Totus2us team.

Our Lady's message to Mirjana Soldo, Medjugorje, 2nd December 2016:

"Dear children, my motherly heart is crying as I am looking at what my children are doing. Sins are multiplying, the purity of soul is all the less important; my Son is being forgotten - honoured all the less; and my children are being persecuted. That is why, you my children, apostles of my love, with soul and heart invoke the name of my Son. He will have the words of light for you. He manifests Himself to you, He breaks the bread with you and gives you the words of love so that you may transform them into merciful acts and, thus, be witnesses of truth. That is why, my children, do not be afraid. Permit my Son to be in you. He will make use of you to care for the wounded and to convert lost souls. Therefore, my children, return to the prayer of the Rosary. Pray it with feelings of goodness, sacrifice and mercy. Pray, not only with words, but with merciful acts. Pray with love for all people. My Son, by His sacrifice, exalted love. Therefore, live with Him so that you may have strength and hope; that you may have the love which is life and which leads to eternal life. Through God's love, I am also with you, and will lead you with motherly love. Thank you."

Our Lady's message to Marija Pavlović, Medjugorje, 25 December 2016:

"Dear children! With great joy, today I am carrying my Son Jesus to you, for Him to give you His peace. Open your hearts, little children, and be joyful that you can receive it. Heaven is with you and is fighting for peace in your hearts, in the families and in the world; and you, little children, help with your prayers for it to be so. I bless you with my Son Jesus and call you not to lose hope; and for your gaze and heart to always be directed towards Heaven and eternity. In this way, you will be open to God and to His plans. Thank you for having responded to my call."

“Queridos hijos! Con gran alegría hoy les traigo a mi Hijo Jesús para que Él les dé Su paz. Abran sus corazones, hijitos, y estén alegres para que puedan recibirla. El Cielo está con ustedes y lucha por la paz en sus corazones, en las familias y en el mundo, y ustedes, hijitos, ayuden con sus oraciones para que así sea. Los bendigo con mi Hijo Jesús y los invito a no perder la esperanza y a que vuestra mirada y vuestro corazón estén siempre dirigidos hacia el Cielo y la eternidad. De esa manera estarán abiertos a Dios y Sus planes. Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado."

"Cari figli! Con grande gioia oggi vi porto mio Figlio Gesù perché Lui vi dia la Sua pace. Figlioli, aprite i vostri cuori e siate gioiosi affinché possiate accoglierla. Il cielo è con voi e lotta per la pace nei vostri cuori, nelle famiglie e nel mondo e voi, figlioli, aiutatelo con le vostre preghiere affinché sia così. Vi benedico con mio Figlio Gesù e vi invito a non perdere la speranza e che il vostro sguardo e il vostro cuore siano sempre rivolti verso il cielo e verso l’eternità. Così sarete aperti a Dio ed ai Suoi piani. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata.”

25th December - Christmas Day - Emmanuel      

"Mary means to everybody like a mother and not just a mere mother, a great mother. A mother of vision, a mother of love, a mother who has loved God and God has come through her and said ‘blessed’. .. Mary is our great Mother. "

Emmanuel is from Ghana.

Our Lady's annual message to Jakov Colo in Medugorje, Christmas 2016:

"Dear children! Today, on this day of grace, in a special way, I am calling you to pray for peace. Children, I came here as the Queen of Peace and how many times have I called you to pray for peace. But, children, your hearts are restless. Sin is preventing you from opening yourselves completely to grace and peace which God desires to give you. To live peace, my children, is to first have peace in your hearts and to be surrendered completely to God and to His will. Do not seek peace and joy in the things of this world, because this is all passing. Long for true mercy and peace which come only from God; and only in this way will your hearts be filled with true joy; and only in this way will you be able to become witnesses of peace in this peaceless world. I am your mother and intercede before my Son for each of you. Thank you for having responded to my call."