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Somethings about Mary in November 2012

Many, many thanks to Sister Alena, Barbara, Bridget, Carmelo, Carol, Caroline, Domenico, Father Fabien, Fabio, Garrett, Gianmarco, Fra Gregorio, John, Father Josef, Kate, Luigina, Lydia, Maria, Mathias, Brother Michel Marie, Monica, Nichan, Peter, Sister Prisena, Sergio, Shannon, Stephen, Thomas, Thomas & Yannick for giving their 'something' about Mary.

This photo is of the Madonna & Child, in Rome.

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If you'd like to give Our Lady a metaphorical bunch of flowers by saying your something about Mary, please, pretty please, contact the Totus2us team.

1st November - Feast of All Saints - Brother Michel Marie      

"Mary for me is the gift of God for us and our gift to God."

Brother Michel Marie is from Lebanon & gives his something about Mary in English & Arabic.

2nd November - Commemoration of All Souls - Sister Alena      

"The hospital name is Nirmala hospital, which means Mary Immaculate, Immaculate Mother. Nirmala in the Indian language means Immaculate. I have been working in that hospital for the last 25 years. She is for us the protector of the hospital, she's a patron of our hospital.  .. We have seen the powerful and protecting hand of our mother throughout all these years, through out all the difficulties we have faced and her miracles every day happening in the life of the people .. We have seen her protecting all the poor people, suffering people who come there and we have experienced her protection and miracles happening every day in our lives, so she's our mother, our model, our guide, our inspiration, to take care of the poor people, the sick people."

Sister Alena, a doctor from India, is a Sister of St Charles Borromeo.

Our Lady's message to Mirjana Soldo, Medjugorje, 2nd November 2012:

"Dear children; as a mother I implore you to persevere as my apostles. I am praying to my Son to give you Divine wisdom and strength. I am praying that you may discern everything around you according to God's truth and to strongly resist everything that wants to distance you from my Son. I am praying that you may witness the love of the Heavenly Father according to my Son. My children, great grace has been given to you to be witnesses of God's love. Do not take the given responsibility lightly. Do not sadden my motherly heart. As a mother I desire to rely on my children, on my apostles. Through fasting and prayer you are opening the way for me to pray to my Son for Him to be beside you and for His name to be holy through you. Pray for the shepherds because none of this would be possible without them. Thank you."

3rd November - Fra Gregorio      

"Maria è un dono che Gesù ha fatto. Lei è la nostra Mama primo perché, conoscendo la nostra povertà, ci voluto dare Maria, la Mama, che ci porta a Gesù...

Mary is the best thing that God can give us to help us in our poverty and she's waiting for us because she will only help us. We just have to ask and she will help us."

Fra Gregorio, from Italy, is a brother of the Fraternità Francescana di Betania.

4th November - Feast of St Charles Borromeo - Sister Prisena      

"Throughout our life we experience our Mother’s help and our Patron, Saint Charles Borromeo, who is there close to us, helping us in our daily life."

Sister Prisena, from India, is a Sister of St Charles Borromeo.

5th November - Thomas      

"My dedication to the Virgin Mary is very deep. The one thing we have to remember is that Mary was conceived without original sin and that is a prayer that we can say many times during the day, 'O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.'"

Thomas lives in America.

6th November - Sergio      

"I found Mary as my mother, as my mum, as mother of Jesus and as mother of everyone. So I want to share with you my joy, because my mother taught me how to love Mary, and I love her and my daughters love her. "

Sergio is from Mexico & gives his algo de María in English & Spanish.

7th November - Stephen      

"I’ve found Mary important in my life. Over the last 4 years, I’ve grown so much with her and she’s taken me so closely to her son, to his Sacred Heart through her Immaculate Heart. She has shown me the Father, as the daughter of God, in a very special way. She has shown me her son, as the Mother of Christ, in a very special way, and led me to the Holy Spirit and kept me open to the Holy Spirit, as the spouse of the Holy Spirit. She's great, I love her!"

Stephen is 26 & from the United States of America.

8th November - Feast of Blessed John Duns Scotus - Carol      

"Mary for me has been somebody I've always gone down and asked to intercede for me in my troubled times … She's a mother that must have suffered many more times than what I have done and come out the other side and I have every faith that she continues to intercede for me and will for all mothers."

Carol is from England.

9th November - Dedication of St John Lateran Basilica - Gianmarco      

"Mary is mother and virgin and is amazing.

La cosa che mi impressiona di Maria è che lei è vergine e madre."

Gianmarco is from Roma.

10th November - Feast of St Leo the Great - Yannick      

"Our Lady has always been there by my side and I would like to thank her for all the good things she has been doing for me, So I always pray to her and give her thanks, as long as I can every day, if possible, and I hope that she will stay always by my side and by the side of all her children in the world. I know she is there, she is always there, but all we need to do is open our minds and let her enter into our hearts. 

Je voudrais remercier la Sainte Vierge Marie pour tous les biens qu'elle fait pour nous."

Yannick is 22 & from Cameroon.

11th November - Bridget      

"Our Lady is a special mother who holds you in her arms and lifts you up when you need help."

Bridget is from Wisconsin in the States.

12th November - Shannon      

"Mary to me is the model of a perfect, humble woman who is not a push-over by any means but silent strength."

Shannon is from Wisconsin in the States.

13th November - John      

"Our Lady for me is a mother. She is somebody I pray to and have hope and trust in, particularly when I'm in some difficult situation."

John is from Ireland.

14th November - Caroline      

"Avant de prendre une décision, priez toujours Marie, confiez vous toujours à  Marie, et elle fera tout pour votre bien, elle mènera ce projet pour le mieux, pour votre bien."

Caroline, from France, gives her quelque chose de Marie in French.

15th November - Feast of St Albert the Great - Matthias      

"Mary for me is the sum of the Church and every action inside of the Church, like prayer, every thing I do it with Mary, and Mary is always my guide and my companion when I pray or whatever I'm doing."

Matthias is from Germany.

16th November - Luigina      

"Due parole sulla cara Madonnina. Ecco tutti noi abbiamo bisogno di una mamma, che ci accolga, che ci consoli e che ci aiuti. Ed anche Papa Giovanni Paolo II, che era così devoto alla Madonna, e che lui dicce che è stata lei che lo aveva salvato. Cosi anche noi dobbiamo riportarci alla mamma di Gesù, perché questo mondo ha tanto, tanto, tanto bisogno."

Luigiana, from Italy, gives her qualcosa su Maria in Italian. (It's Luigina's birthday today - Buon compleanno, cara Luigina ... wishing you many blessings in the year ahead.)

17th November - Feast of St Elizabeth of Hungary - Carmelo      

"Vergine Madre, figlia del tuo figlio,
umile e alta più che creatura,
termine fisso d’etterno consiglio,
tu se’ colei che l’umana natura
nobilitasti sì, che ’l suo fattore
non disdegnò di farsi sua fattura.
Nel ventre tuo si raccese l’amore,
per lo cui caldo ne l’etterna pace
così è germinato questo fiore.
Qui se’ a noi meridïana face
di caritate, e giuso, intra ’ mortali,
se’ di speranza fontana vivace.
Donna, se’ tanto grande e tanto vali,
che qual vuol grazia e a te non ricorre,
sua disïanza vuol volar sanz’ ali.
La tua benignità non pur soccorre
a chi domanda, ma molte fïate
liberamente al dimandar precorre.
In te misericordia, in te pietate,
in te magnificenza, in te s’aduna
quantunque in creatura è di bontate."

Carmelo, from Rome, recites St Bernard's prayer to the Virgin Mary, Canto XXXIII of Paradiso from Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy.

18th November - Lydia      

"For me, Mary is my mother. She is always there to put her arms around me when I need her."

Lydia is from England.

19th November - Garrett      

"For me, Mary is a mother. She’s one that I can trust, I can place my hand in her hand and trust that she’ll lead me straight to her son. She’s the one I can give every grace that I receive to, and that I completely trust that she’ll multiply those graces for me and take care of all those that I love if I just show my love for her."

Garrett is 24 and from Montana in the United States.

20th November - Nichan      

"The important thing in Mary is she is the mother of God: a creature is mother of God, it’s so impressive."

Nichan is from Argentina & gives his algo de María in English & Spanish.

21st November - Feast of the Presentation of Mary - Maria      

"As a mother I have felt the crushing of a mother’s heart with the journey that I've taken with my children, and I've looked to Mary and I have wept and I have asked for her guidance morning, noon and night, and I think we are so privileged to have a mother like Mary as an example. In Eve they said that we died and with Mary, Mary gave us life, the life of Jesus and I thank her for that. And I thank her for the example of humility, of trust and just doing her daily work as a mother."

Maria was born in London & her parents came from the beautiful island of St Lucia.

22nd November - Monica      

"Mary for me is the mother who’s always there for me."

Monica is from England.

23rd November - Feast of St Clement of Rome - Pater Josef      

"Abbiamo visto in tempo di guerra quanto soccorsi dalla Madonna e siamo tanto, tanto aiutata della sua intercessione, e insieme a Gesù, suo Figlio, e che ci porta al Padre. Maria è nostra madre, è mia madre e il mio accompagniato nel mio sacerdozio, sono 55 anni sacerdote e sempre mi ha aiutato in qualsiasi necessità e anche nella gioia."

Father Josef, a Pallottine priest, was born in Germany, has spent most of his life working in Brazil and is now in Rome, looking after the Shrine of St Vincent Pallotti. He gives his something about Mary in Italian.

24th November - Barbara      

"Ave Maria, gratia plena, Dominus tecum.
Benedicta tu in mulieribus,
et benedictus fructus ventris tui, Iesus.
Sancta Maria, Mater Dei,
ora pro nobis peccatoribus,
nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Amen."

Barbara is an opera singer from Krakow, Poland. For her something about Mary, she sang Ave Maria facing Our Lady of Fatima in the Chiesa di Santo Spirito in Sassia in Rome.

Our Lady of Medjugorje's message to Marija Pavlović, 25 November:

"Dear children! In this time of grace, I call all of you to renew prayer. Open yourselves to Holy Confession so that each of you may accept my call with the whole heart. I am with you and I protect you from the ruin of sin, but you must open yourselves to the way of conversion and holiness, that your heart may burn out of love for God. Give Him time and He will give Himself to you and thus, in the will of God you will discover the love and the joy of living. Thank you for having responded to my call."

"¡Queridos hijos! En este tiempo de gracia, los invito a todos ustedes a renovar la oración. Abranse a la Santa Confesión, para que cada uno de ustedes pueda aceptar mi llamada con todo el corazón. Yo estoy con ustedes y los protejo de la perdición del pecado, y ustedes deben abrirse al camino de la conversión y de la santidad, para que vuestro corazón arda de amor por Dios. ConcédanLe tiempo, y El se donará a ustedes, y así, en la voluntad de Dios, podrán descubrir el amor y la alegría de vivir. Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado."

"Cari figli! In questo tempo di grazia vi invito tutti a rinnovare la preghiera. Apritevi alla Santa confessione perchè ognuno di voi accetti col cuore la mia chiamata. Io sono con voi e vi proteggo dall' abisso del peccato e voi dovete aprirvi alla via della conversione e della santità perchè il vostro cuore arda d'amore per Dio. DateGli il tempo e Lui si donerà a voi, e così nella volontà di Dio scoprirete l'amore e la gioia della vita. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata."

25th November - Solemnity of Christ the King - Thomas      

"From my childhood, my parents taught me to recite the rosary. It’s a special protection for us every time, we feel it when we recite the rosary. Every time when we walk, like our breath, with our breath; our parents taught us with our breath to recite at least the name of Jesus, Mary or Joseph."

Thomas is 25 and from Kerala in India. He is currently studying in Rome (where this was recorded ... the background swush is the sound of St Peter's being cleaned :o)

26th November - Fabio      

"Chiunque di noi abbia un problema o un pensiero, Maria è la prima cui noi ci possiamo rivolgere."

Fabio is from Rome & gives his qualcosa su Maria in Italian.

27th November - Feast of St Catherine Labouré - Kate      

"We spent the whole day visiting our Blessed Mother most beautiful, with St Catherine Labouré, St Louise de Marillac and St Vincent de Paul. It was such an unbelievable way that it all came together in a perfect, perfect way."

Kate is from the United States.

28th November - Peter      

"I look to Mary for her intercession, her being the Mother of God. And I always recall the scene at the Wedding of Cana where she says ‘Do whatever he tells you’ and just her intercession and just how it worked in that case, and I have faith that when I ask her for something of Jesus, that she'll take my petition to Him faithfully."

Peter is 25 & from Canada.

29th November - Domenico      

"I love la Madonna, la Madonna di Loreto e di Lourdes in particolare, e la Madonna del Castello, del mio paese nativo."

Domenico is from Italy.

30th November - Feast of St Andrew, the Apostle - Father Fabien      

"Mary for me is first of all a mother, I can entrust myself to her, and she’s someone who is always, always with me, always.

Dans la Vierge Marie, c’est ma mère. .. Quand je prends mon chaplet, eh bien, c'est comme si je prenais sa main. En prenant sa main, je sais que c'est elle qui me guide vers Jésus et c'est le chemin le plus sûr pour me guider vers Jésus."

Père Fabien is from Belgium.