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Somethings about Mary in November 2011

Many, many thanks to Alba, Ann, Catherine, Cathy, Clare, Esther, Fida, Franca, Gabriela, George, Joao Paulo, Kim, Leonidas, Leslie, Lucia, Maria, Sister Maria, Marie, Nida, Rima, Father Rod OSB, Rosamund, Sarah, Srikhanthie, Suranganee & Thomas for giving their 'something' about Mary.

This statue is Our Lady of Worth, and can be seen in the lady chapel of the Benedictine Abbey of Worth.

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1st November - Feast of All Saints - Srikhanthie       

"Our Lady guides all of us in this life. I look up to Our Lady like a mother."

Srikhanthie (whose birthday it is today ... happy, blessed birthday, dear Srikhanthie) is from Sri Lanka.

2nd November - Feast of All Souls - Suranganee      

"Our Lady to me is my mother, my heavenly mother."

Suranganee is from Sri Lanka.

Our Lady's message to Mirjana Soldo, Međugorje, 2 November 2011:

"Dear children, the Father has not left you to yourselves. Immeasurable is His love, the love that is bringing me to you, to help you to come to know Him, so that, through my Son, all of you can call Him 'Father' with the fullness of heart; so that you can be one people in God's family. However, my children, do not forget that you are not in this world only for yourselves, and that I am not calling you here only for your sake. Those who follow my Son think of the brother in Christ as of their very selves and they do not know selfishness. That is why I desire that you be the light of my Son, that to all those who have not come to know the Father - to all those who wander in the darkness of sin, despair, pain and loneliness - you may illuminate the way and that, with your life, you may show them the love of God. I am with you. If you open your hearts, I will lead you. Again I am calling you: pray for your shepherds. Thank you."

3rd November - Gabriela      

"Creo muchisimo en la Virgen Maria, ella es la madre de Dios. Una mujer que ha inspirado mucho a todos los cristianos y por el hecho de ser la madre de Dios la veo como a una mujer muy ejemplar y desearia cumplir todos mis anhelos como madre y que siempre me bendiga."

Gabriela is from Ecuador; she gives her response in Spanish.

4th November - Collins      

"Mary is the Mother of all good things great in life and the mother figure to keep us all warm and safe."

Collins is from Wales.

5th November - Sister Maria      

"I feel Mary is a loving caring mother and I always feel she is with me at all times, in times of joys and sorrows, in times of darkness and light. And when I minister in the hospital, I have a great devotion to Our Lady of Lourdes and I feel she's helping not only myself, but all the sick who are in deep pain and distress. And when we say the Hail Mary, it is powerful, and the Lourdes holy water. So I thank God for Our Lady, and I feel she's with me for the rest of my life, I praise you Lord, through Mary our Mother of Mercy. Amen."

Sister Maria, from Ireland, is a Sister of Mercy.

6th November - Marie      

"Our patron is Our Lady of Lourdes in our parish in Lucena City. This is my first time to come to Lourdes and I've felt Mama Mary is full of graces on us. She's our mother and we love her very much."

Marie is from the Philippines.

7th November - Esther      

"I'm here in Lourdes to see the Blessed Mother again and I'm so happy to be here."

Esther is from the Philippines.

8th November - Leslie      

"Mary for me the way back to the Church, because her Medjugorje and her messages around the world is what renewed my faith entirely and makes me believe we have a heaven and we're all hopefully going to get there at one point. So I just think she's the easiest way to pray to Jesus."

Leslie is from Canada.

9th November - Fida      

"Je veux remercier la Sainte Marie a propos ma mère … Je demande pour protéger ma famille et pour faire la paix à tout le monde."

Fida is from Lebanon & gives her quelque chose de Marie in French in Lourdes.

10th November - Feast of St Leo the Great - Nida      

"I came to Lourdes from Lebanon to thank Our Lady because she makes with me so many miracles.  She is the Queen of my heart and the Lady of our family. And she is the mother of the creature and the Creator. Thanks for this Saint Mary, mother of Jesus Christ."

Nida is from Lebanon & gives her quelque chose de Marie in English, French & Armenian.

11th November - Franca      

"I love Mother Mary because a mother who sees her son beaten and bleeding and does nothing to fight is wonderful and she should be loved and emulated. "

Franca is from Nigeria.

12th November - Rosamund      

"Our Lady brought me to the Catholic Church, on a visit to Lourdes. And so, for me, she is my mother and I turn to her when I am in need and ask her to bring me closer to her son, Our Lord."

Rosamund is from England.

13th November - Father Rod OSB      

"Mary has always been with me, at times perhaps I was unaware of her gentle, loving presence, but I think, as I look back on my life, I see her gentle love, her guiding hand beside me, watching over and guiding me. In a remarkable way I think that awareness came upon me when I first visited Lourdes, where her presence there touched me deeply and began for me a journey that I guess I hadn't expected I'd be making, this journey towards monasticism and the priesthood, that journey of responding to the still, small voice of the Lord. And that continued, a growing awareness of how Mary was there alongside me, always guiding, gently encouraging, And at remember too my first pilgrimage I made, back in 1989, when I arrived in Medjugorje for the first time on 1st January, the feast day of Our Lady Mother of God. And how, from the very first moment, those first hours, I was aware that here in this place, in a remarkable way that Mary has touched with her presence. Over the years as I have returned there, I've found a source of strength on my journey, a source of strength in my ministry, a source of encouragement and of real joy. So now when I return, I return there because I have as sense in quite a remarkable way, returning to be alongside, to be with, to spend time with the Blessed Mother, our mother, the mother of Our Lord. It's as if within that place, her presence can be felt, when our hearts are open to receive her love. And in receiving that love, we're aware that she's calling us not only closer to her heart, but always, through her heart, to the heart of Jesus, her son, our Lord, our Saviour. It's as if in our own day, Mary has been given to us as such a wonderful gift, given to us that our hearts may be opened not only to her presence but through her to the presence of the Lord."

Dom Roderick Jones is a Benedictine monk at Worth Abbey in England.

14th November - Ann      

"Mary is our mother. She looks after our needs."

Ann is from Hong Kong and gives her response in English & Cantonese.

15th November - Catherine      

"When I think about Mary, I think about the Magnificat, the Canticle of Mary. And I think about the first lines, 'My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.' And that for me is the calling for everybody, to bow down before Jesus. And Mary brings that to me and makes it real for me."

Catherine is from England.

16th November - Feast of St Albert the Great - Rima      

"Mother Mary is the greatest mother for us and I just love her because I know I always can count on her and I always can come to her with all my troubles and my problems and also with all my happiness. So it's very, very important for me to have the conversation with her."

Rima was 27 yesterday (Happy Birthday to you, dear Rima & wishing you a very blessed year ahead) & is from Poland; she gives her something about Mary in English & Polish.

17th November - Feast of St Elizabeth of Hungary - Joao Paulo      

"So I decided that year (2007) to go to the shrine of Fatima, to the shrine of Lourdes and to shrine of Our Lady of Medjugorje. And I said 'This time I'm going as a pilgrim and not as a tourist.' And since that moment my life has completely changed, 100%. From that moment I start looking for Mary, for Jesus, for God - all my life completely changed. After my first visit to Lourdes (which was so beautiful as well - I received so many graces there), I went to Medjugorje for the first time and Medjugorje was an experience I will never forget. First time I went there, I came back full of faith and first thing was - I have to go to Mass more often. Suddenly, after 6 months, I was going to Mass daily. After being 7 years away from Mass, I start going to Mass daily, which was a very, very big grace. Since then I start reading the books of the saints: Padre Pio, Mother Teresa, St Thérèse of Lisieux, St Teresa of Avila, and this is so much graces being given to me. Also I learned so much, because Our Lady, it's amazing what Our Lady does. It's like, this year, I went to the Youth Festival in Medjugorje. After 1 week, I was thinking 'But I haven't spent a minute with Our Lady yet? What's happening? I've been to the church, I've been in front of the tabernacle a lot of times, but what's happening? Then something touched my heart and said 'I'm calling you not to me but I'm calling you to Jesus - that's why I'm calling you to Medjugorje.' When we go to Medjugorje the visionaries are there, but straight away we feel a call to go Jesus, not to go to the visionaries, not to go to Our Lady, because Our Lady is always calling us to come back to her son Jesus, who loves us so much. For me so far, Medjugorje is just an amazing grace that happened in my life. Our Lady is coming to us, to our rescue, she's inviting us to come back to Jesus. "

Joao Paulo is from Portugal

18th November - Clare      

"I've always had a huge devotion to Our Lady. She has sustained me through thick and thin, through some terrible times in my life, some times when I've walked away and turned my face against God and everything I thought I believed in.  But always, always, she's been there, just a gentle presence in the background for me. And as a reward for that for me has been that my two daughters have the most tremendous devotion to her and I feel that she just sustains and is part of our lives. I can't imagine that any of us could function without her."

Clare is from England.

19th November - Cathy       

"I've always had a great devotion to Our Lady and, as she says herself, 'I will surpass all your expectations, if only you'll trust in me.' Well, I can vouch for that because I've always trusted in Our Lady and she's never let me down. She's a wonderful confidant, a wonderful mother and a great intercessor. Thank you, Blessed Mother, for all you have done for me."

Cathy is from Ireland.

20th November - Thomas       

"I regard Our Lady as very much my mother, with all the human attributes of a loving mother."

Thomas is from England.

21st November - Feast of Presentation of Mary in the Temple - Sarah  

"Mary, Our Lady, is my great friend I owe more than anything to, and has done so much for me, I don't know how to thank or do anything back in return but I look to the future to one day bring something wonderful back. She's always in the presence of God; Mother of God, always in the presence of God."

Sarah is from the United Kingdom.

22nd November - Lucia       

"Mary, our mother, is for me a special kind of woman and I really honour her. I always keep remembering when they were in Cana and she asked Jesus to turn the water into wine. At the end, as we know the story, he did, so I always try to pray to her as, when she asks Jesus, he will give it to us."

Lucia is from Slovakia; she gives her response in English & Slovak.

23rd November - Feast of St Clement of Rome - George      

"To me Our Lady is the embodiment of unconditional love. No matter how lost we feel, she gives strength and grace to overcome any bad habit and to keep you on the right path toward her son, our Lord Jesus Christ. All one needs to do is be humble and ask using the rosary."

George is from the United States.

24th November - Kim      

"Inside the priory, against one of the pillars, was a statue of Our Lady, and in front that stand was a votive candle stand and a prayer propped up. I didn't know the prayer at the time but now know it to be the Memorare. I lit some candles and I prayed this prayer for my sister, and immediately I had the most incredible sensation of a furnace, a blazing furnace having been lit deep down inside me. This was not a mental or a spiritual feeling, this was a physical feeling of burning right deep inside my body and an absolute and instant knowledge that my sister would recover, that she would get well again... It's a feeling I have no words to describe adequately and it's a feeling I've never, ever forgotten."

Kim is from England.

25th November - Emma      

"Since when I was young I'm really devoted to Mama Mary. I call her Mama Mary because I'm a member of the legion of Mary back home and I found her like as my mum as well and my guidance in my every day, for me and my son."

Emma is from the Philippines.

Our Lady of Medjugorje's message to Marija, 25 November 2011:

"Dear children! Today I desire to give you hope and joy. Everything that is around you, little children, leads you towards worldly things but I desire to lead you towards a time of grace, so that through this time you may be all the closer to my Son, that He can lead you towards His love and eternal life, for which every heart yearns. You, little children, pray and may this time for you be one of grace for your soul. Thank you for having responded to my call."

"Cari figli, oggi desidero darvi la speranza e la gioia. Tutto ciò che è attorno a voi, figlioli, vi guida verso le cose terrene ma io desidero guidarvi verso il tempo di grazia perchè in questo tempo siate sempre più vicini al mio Figlio affinchè Lui possa guidarvi verso il suo amore e verso la vita eterna alla quale ogni cuore anela. Voi, figlioli, pregate e questo tempo sia per voi il tempo di grazia per la vostra anima. Grazie per aver risposto alla mia chiamata."

"¡Queridos hijos! Hoy deseo darles esperanza y alegría. Todo lo que está en torno a ustedes, hijitos, los conduce hacia las cosas terrenales. Sin embargo, yo deseo conducirlos hacia el tiempo de gracia, para que durante ese tiempo estén lo más cerca de mi Hijo, a fin de que El los pueda guiar hacia Su amor y hacia la vida eterna que todo corazón anhela. Ustedes hijitos oren, y que este tiempo sea para ustedes tiempo de gracia para vuestra alma. Gracias por haber respondido a mi llamado."

26th November - Alba       

"The Virgin for me is a real mother here. I give her my five children; I put my children in her hands every day. I think I couldn't live without her help."

Alba is from Argentina & gives her algo de María in English & Spanish.

27th November - Antony       

"Mary is the mother of Jesus, Mary is the mother of us all."

Antony is from Cyprus.

28th November - Eva       

"The Virgin Mary for me is a model and I am so grateful to her."

Eva is from Spain; she gives her algo de María in English & Spanish.

29th November - Ken       

"For me Our Lady, to whom I pray every day for her intercession to El Niño Jesús of Prague (to whom I also pray every day), she being his mother, and I thank her every day for everything that she has given me, my family and everyone; and I pray for her help every day."

Ken is from England.

30th November - Janet       

"Mary is the Mother of God and Mary will help you, to guide you to where you are, if you ask her for petition, because Mary is the mother of Jesus and Jesus will definitely listen to his mum."

Janet is from New Zealand.