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Mary, model of virginity

Blessed John Paul II's Catechesis
General Audience in Paul VI Hall, Wednesday, 7 August 1996 - in Italian & Spanish

"1. The intention of virginity, apparent in Mary's words at the moment of the Annunciation, has traditionally been considered the beginning and the inspiration of Christian virginity in the Church.

St Augustine does not see in this resolution the fulfilment of a divine precept, but a vow freely taken. In this way it was possible to present Mary as an example to "holy virgins" throughout the Church's history. Mary "dedicated her virginity to God when she did not yet know whom she would conceive, so that the imitation of heavenly life in the earthly, mortal body would come about through a vow, not a precept, through a choice of love and not through the need to serve" (De Sancta Virg., IV, PL 40:398).

The Angel does not ask Mary to remain a virgin; it is Mary who freely reveals her intention of virginity. The choice of love that leads her to consecrate herself totally to the Lord by a life of virginity is found in this commitment.

In underlining the spontaneity of Mary's decision, we must not forget that God's initiative is at the root of every vocation. By choosing the life of virginity, the young girl of Nazareth was responding to an interior call, that is, to an inspiration of the Holy Spirit that enlightened her about the meaning and value of the virginal gift of herself. No one can accept this gift without feeling called or without receiving from the Holy Spirit the necessary light and strength.

2. Although St Augustine uses the word "vow" to show those he calls "holy virgins" the first example of their state of life, the Gospel does not testify that Mary had expressly made a vow, which is the form of consecration and offering of one's life to God which has been in use since the early centuries of the Church. From the Gospel we learn that Mary made a personal decision to remain a virgin, offering her heart to the Lord. She wants to be his faithful bride, fulfilling her vocation as the "daughter of Zion". By her decision however she becomes the archetype of all those in the Church who have chosen to serve the Lord with an undivided heart in virginity.

Neither the Gospels nor any other New Testament writings tell us when Mary made the decision to remain a virgin. However it is clearly apparent from her question to the angel at the time of the Annunciation that she had come to a very firm decision. Mary does not hesitate to express her desire to preserve her virginity even in view of the proposed motherhood, showing that her intention had matured over a long period.

Indeed, Mary's choice of virginity was not made in the unforeseeable prospect of becoming the Mother of God, but developed in her consciousness before the Annunciation. We can suppose that this inclination was always present in her heart: the grace which prepared her for virginal motherhood certainly influenced the whole growth of her personality, while the Holy Spirit did not fail to inspire in her, from her earliest years, the desire for total union with God.

3. The marvels God still works today in the hearts and lives of so many young people were first realized in Mary's soul. Even in our world, so distracted by the attractions of a frequently superficial and consumerist culture, many adolescents accept the invitation that comes from Mary's example and consecrate their youth to the Lord and to the service of their brothers and sisters.

This decision is the choice of greater values, rather than the renunciation of human values. In this regard, in his Apostolic Exhortation Marialis cultus my venerable predecessor Paul VI emphasizes how anyone who looks at the witness of the Gospel with an open mind "will appreciate that Mary's choice of the state of virginity ... was not a rejection of any of the values of the married state but a courageous choice which she made in order to consecrate herself totally to the love of God" (n. 37).

In short, the choice of the virginal state is motivated by full adherence to Christ. This is particularly obvious in Mary. Although before the Annunciation she is not conscious of it, the Holy Spirit inspires her virginal consecration in view of Christ: she remains a virgin to welcome the Messiah and Saviour with her whole being. The virginity begun in Mary thus reveals its own Christocentric dimension, essential also for virginity lived in the Church, which finds its sublime model in the Mother of Christ. If her personal virginity, linked to the divine motherhood, remains an exceptional fact, it gives light and meaning to every gift of virginity.

4. In the history of the Church, how many young women, as they contemplate the nobility and beauty of the virginal heart of the Lord's Mother, have felt encouraged to respond generously to God's call by embracing the ideal of virginity! "Precisely such virginity", as I recalled in the Encyclical Redemptoris Mater, "after the example of the Virgin of Nazareth, is the source of a special spiritual fruitfulness: it is the source of motherhood in the Holy Spirit" (n. 43).

Mary's virginal life inspires in the entire Christian people esteem for the gift of virginity and the desire that it should increase in the Church as a sign of God's primacy over all reality and as a prophetic anticipation of the life to come. Together let us thank the Lord for those who still today generously consecrate their lives in virginity to the service of the kingdom of God.

At the same time, while in various regions evangelized long ago hedonism and consumerism seem to dissuade many young people from embracing the consecrated life, we must incessantly ask God through Mary's intercession for a new flowering of religious vocations. Thus the face of Christ's Mother, reflected in the many virgins who strive to follow the divine Master, will continue to be the sign of God's mercy and tenderness for humanity."

After his Catechesis, Pope John Paul greeted the pilgrims in various languages:

[In polish] "Serdecznie witam wszystkich pielgrzymów z Polski. W szczególności pozdrawiam grupy parafialne: z Chrzanowa, z Chropaczowa, z Brzostka, z Kraśnika, z Ostrowca Šwiętokrzyskiego, z Poznania, z Wałbrzycha, z Zielonej Góry - zespół « Rouah Singers ». Z kolei pozdrawiam grupy młodzieżowe: z Olsztyna - KSM, z Siedlec - Oaza III stopnia, z Mysłowic - Liceum Ogólnokształcące i Ekonomiczne, z Bydgoszczy - Technikum Budowlane, z Legnicy - harcerze. Pozdrawiam również VI pielgrzymkę Huty Baildon z Katowic, Europejskie Stowarzyszenie Rogacjonistów z Warszawy, Katolickie Stowarzyszenie Polaków z Wilna oraz delegacje miast zaprzyjaźnionych - Campocavallo i Częstochowy.

Wczoraj była uroczystość Przemienienia Pańskiego. Ten dzień, 6 sierpnia, łączy się w naszej pamięci ze śmiercią papieża Pawła VI. 18 lat temu, w godzinach wieczornych odszedł z tego świata wielki papież. Było to w r. 1978, 6 sierpnia. Natomiast przedwczoraj Rzym wspominał dedykację, czyli poświęcenie bazyliki Matki Boskiej Większej, Santa Maria Maggiore. W Polsce ten dzień nosi nazwę Matki Bożej Śnieżnej. Pozostaje to w związku z tym, że zgodnie z tradycją w V wieku, po r. 431, po Soborze Efeskim, w tym dniu, jakby na znak, że Opatrzność chce, ażeby tu właśnie, na tym miejscu zbudowano kościół poświęcony Matce Bożej, pierwsze sanktuarium maryjne na Zachodzie, spadł śnieg, chociaż to było w środku lata. Stąd mówimy « Matka Boża Snieźna ».

Mamy wiele sanktuariów na ziemi polskiej. Pamiętajmy, že pierwszym z tych sanktuariów w Kościele zachodnim jest Matka Boża Większa w Rzymie. A kiedy nawiedzacie Rzym jako pielgrzymi, starajcie się także pomodlić w tej bazylice. Wszystkich was serdecznie pozdrawiam i proszę, ażebyście przekazali to pozdrowienie i to błogosławieństwo wszystkim waszym rodakom, rodzinom, parafiom i innym wspólnotom, z których pochodzicie. Pomodlimy się teraz, śpiewając « Ojcze nasz » po polsku."

[In French] Chers Frères et Soeurs, Je salue cordialement les pèlerins de langue française, notamment ceux qui viennent de Centrafrique, ainsi que le groupe des Filles de la Sagesse, les membres de Claire Amitié et le pèlerinage de la paroisse Saint-Pierre des Plots. Que la Vierge Marie vous guide et vous accompagne tous les jours de votre vie! Sur chacun d'entre vous, j'invoque l'abondance des Bénédictions divines.

[In English] Dear Brothers and Sisters, I offer a cordial welcome to the young people from Saito, Japan, who are visiting Rome as "Young Ambassadors in Europe". Dear Friends: as you follow in the footsteps of Itô Mansho, who visited the Pope four hundred years ago, may you grow in appreciation of the rich diversity of the human family and work generously, together with young people everywhere, to promote greater respect, understanding and friendship among all peoples. I am also pleased to greet the members of the Maltese National Pilgrimage to Lourdes and Rome, together with Archbishop Joseph Mercieca. To the Chinese Music Philharmonics Orchestra from Taiwan and the members of the Miriam Choir from the Philippines I express my gratitude for their musical offerings. Upon all the English-speaking visitors, especially the pilgrims from England, Ireland, Nigeria, Indonesia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and the United States, I cordially invoke the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

[In German] Liebe Schwestern und Brüder! Indem ich unser aller Anliegen der Fürbitte der Mutter Gottes empfehle, grüße ich Euch, liebe deutschsprachige Pilger und Besucher, sehr herzlich. Insbesondere heiße ich die anwesenden Ministranten und alle Judendlichen willkommen. Euch allen wünsche ich schöne Ferien und erteile Euch, Euren lieben Angehörigen sowie allen, die mit uns über Radio Vatikan und das Fernsehen verbunden sind, gern den Apostolischen Segen.

[In Swedish] Låt oss tillsammans be, att alla kristna blir ett i Kristus, och om Guds fred i alla världens länder. Gud välsigne er och hela Sverige.

[In Basque] Nu groet ik alle pelgrims afkomstig uit Nederland. Moge het bezoek aan de graven van de Apostelen uw geloof versterken. Van harte verleen ik u de Apostolische Zegen.

[In Spanish] Amadísimos hermanos y hermanas, saludo con afecto a los peregrinos de lengua española. En especial al Coro « Tomás Luis de Victoria », de Salamanca, y a los fieles de las distintas parroquias aquí presentes, así como al nutrido grupo de peregrinos mexicanos. A todos vosotros y a vuestros seres queridos os imparto de corazón mi Bendición Apostólica.

[In Portuguese] Queridos Irmãos e Irmãs, a minha saudação fraterna e cordial, com votos de graça e paz do Céu em abundância, para todos os peregrinos de língua portuguesa, especialmente para as paróquias e grupos vindos de Portugal que foram anunciados: na fidelidade à própria vocação humana e cristã, possa cada um de vós ser um instrumento da misericórdia e da ternura de Deus para com os vossos familiares, vizinhos e amigos. O Papa vos ama e abençoa a todos no Senhor.

[In Hungarian] Szeretettel köszöntelek Benneteket, kedves budapesti testi fogyatékosok és látássérültek, valamint a gondos ápolókat. Pál apostol szavaival fordulok Hozzátok: « Tudjuk, hogy az Istent szeretóknek minden javukra szolgál » (Rom. 8, 28). Ó a mi reményünk és erósségünk. Árassza az Úr Reátok és az otthoni testvérekre bóséges irgalmát, hogy irányításával úgy használjátok a mulandó javakat, hogy szívetek már most az el nem múlókhoz ragaszkodjék. Különleges Apostoli Áldásomat adom Mindnyájatokra. Dicsértessék a Jézus Krisztus!

[In Slovak] Srdečne pozdravujem slovenských pútnikov z Beňadova a Mútneho, z Lieskovca a Turčianskych Teplíc, z Dubodiela a Beluše, z Nitry, Pruskéno a Lednických Rovní. Včera sme v liturgii slávili sviatok Premenenia Pána. Ježiš sa ukázal na vrchu svojim učeníkom v sláve. A svätý Peter, naplnený šťastím, zvolai: « Pane, dobre ja nám tu » - Drahí bratía sestry. Ako Petrov nástupca vás povzbudzujem: Obnovte si vieru, že aj vy môžete byt' št'astiní iba s Ježišom. Preto sa usilujte lepšie ho poznat', vrúcne ho milovat' a verejne ho vyznávat', aby aj on vyznel vás pred nebeským Otcom. - Nech vám v tomto úsilí pomáha Božia Matka Mária i moje Apoštolské Požehnanie. Pochválený bud' Ježiš Kristus.

[In Italian] Rivolgo ora un cordiale benvenuto a tutti i pellegrini di lingua italiana, in particolare al gruppo di seminaristi che a Frascati partecipano al IV Incontro Internazionale sul tema « Nuova evangelizzazione e comunicazione ». Carissimi, nell'esprimervi l'augurio che il vostro pellegrinaggio a Roma vi rafforzi nella fede, assicuro un particolare ricordo nella preghiera, perché possiate rispondere generosamente alla chiamata del Signore. Saluto volentieri i giovani che partecipano al Campo Internazionale di Castiglion della Pescaia, promosso dall'Opera per la Gioventù « Giorgio La Pira », come pure i fedeli del Santuario della Beata Vergine Addolorata di Campocavallo di Osimo che, accompagnati dalle due delegazioni civili e religiose di Osimo e Częstochowa, sono venuti per far benedire il carroccio di grano, detto « covo », che quest'anno rappresenta il Santuario mariano di Jasna Gora. Grazie per la vostra presenza. Possa questo incontro rinnovare i vostri propositi di generosa testimonianza cristiana.

Ai giovani, agli ammalati e agli sposi novelli

L'augurio consueto per i giovani, gli ammalati e gli sposi novelli prende lo spunto dalla festa della Trasfigurazione di Cristo che abbiamo celebrato ieri, giorno nel quale abbiamo ricordato pure la рia dipartita del mio venerato predecessore, il Servo di Dio Paolo VI. Il volto luminoso del Signore sia per voi, giovani, guida e modello del vostro impegno morale e della vostra fede; per voi, malati, sia motivo di speranza e di conforto; e per voi, sposi novelli, sia fonte di grazia e di sapienza nell'edificare la vostra famiglia sulla roccia salda dei valori evangelici."

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