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The virginity of Mary, truth of faith

Blessed John Paul II's Catechesis
General Audience in Paul VI Hall, Wednesday, 10 July 1996 - in Italian & Spanish

"1. The Church has constantly held that Mary's virginity is a truth of faith, as she has received and reflected on the witness of the Gospels of Luke, of Matthew and probably also of John.

In the episode of the Annunciation, the Evangelist Luke calls Mary a "virgin", referring both to her intention to persevere in virginity, as well as to the divine plan which reconciles this intention with her miraculous motherhood. The affirmation of the virginal conception, due to the action of the Holy Spirit, excludes every hypothesis of natural parthenogenesis and rejects the attempts to explain Luke's account as the development of a Jewish theme or as the derivation of a pagan mythological legend.

The structure of the Lucan text (cf. Lk 1:26-38; 2:19, 51) resists any reductive interpretation. Its coherence does not validly support any mutilation of the terms or expressions which affirm the virginal conception brought about by the Holy Spirit.

2. The Evangelist Matthew, reporting the angel's announcement to Joseph, affirms like Luke that the conception was "the work of the Holy Spirit" (Mt 1:20) and excluded marital relations.

Furthermore, Jesus' virginal conception is communicated to Joseph at a later time: for him it is not a question of being invited to give his assent prior to the conception of Mary's Son, the fruit of the supernatural intervention of the Holy Spirit and the co-operation of the mother alone. He is merely asked to accept freely his role as the Virgin's husband and his paternal mission with regard to the child.

Matthew presents the virginal origins of Jesus as the fulfilment of Isaiah's prophecy. "'Behold, a virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and his name shall be called Emmanuel' (which means, God with us)" (Mt 1:23; cf. Is 7: 14). In this way Matthew leads us to conclude that the virginal conception was the object of reflection in the first Christian community, which understood its conformity to the divine plan of salvation and its connection with the identity of Jesus, "God with us".

3. Unlike Luke and Matthew, Mark's Gospel does not mention Jesus' conception and birth; nonetheless it is worth noting that Mark never mentions Joseph, Mary's husband. Jesus is called "the son of Mary" by the people of Nazareth or in another context, "the Son of God" several times (3:11; 5:7; cf. 1:11; 9:7; 14:61-62; 15:39). These facts are in harmony with belief in the mystery of his virginal conception. This truth, according to a recent exegetical discovery, would be explicitly contained in verse 13 of the Prologue of John's Gospel, which some ancient authoritative authors (for example, Irenaeus and Tertullian) present, not in the usual plural form, but in the singular: "He, who was born, not of blood nor of the will of the flesh nor of the will of man, but of God". This version in the singular would make the Johannine Prologue one of the major attestations of Jesus' virginal conception, placed in the context of the mystery of the Incarnation.

Paul's paradoxical affirmation: "But when the time had fully come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman ... so that we might receive adoption as sons" (Gal 4:4-5), paves the way to the question about this Son's personhood, and thus about his virginal birth.

This uniform witness of the Gospels testifies how faith in the virginal conception of Jesus was firmly rooted in various milieux of the early Church. This deprives of any foundation several recent interpretations which understand the virginal conception not in a physical or biological sense, but only as symbolic or metaphorical: it would designate Jesus as God's gift to humanity. The same can be said for the opinion advanced by others, that the account of the virginal conception would instead be a theologoumenon, that is, a way of expressing a theological doctrine, that of Jesus' divine sonship, or would be a mythological portrayal of him.

As we have seen, the Gospels contain the explicit affirmation of a virginal conception of the biological order, brought about by the Holy Spirit. The Church made this truth her own, beginning with the very first formulations of the faith (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 496).

4. The faith expressed in the Gospels is confirmed without interruption in later tradition. The formulas of faith of the first Christian writers presuppose the assertion of the virginal birth: Aristides, Justin, Irenaeus and Tertullian are in agreement with Ignatius of Antioch, who proclaims Jesus "truly born of a virgin" (Smyrn. 1, 2). These authors mean a real, historical virginal conception of Jesus and are far from affirming a virginity that is only moral or a vague gift of grace manifested in the child's birth.

The solemn definitions of faith by the Ecumenical Councils and the papal Magisterium, which follow the first brief formulas of faith, are in perfect harmony with this truth. The Council of Chalcedon (451), in its profession of faith, carefully phrased and with its infallibly defined content, affirms that Christ was "begotten ... as to his humanity in these last days, for us and for our salvation, by the Virgin Mary, the Mother of God" (DS 301). In the same way the Third Council of Constantinople (681) proclaimed that Jesus Christ was "begotten ... as to his humanity, by the Holy Spirit and the Virgin Mary, she who is properly and in all truth the Mother of God" (DS 555). Other Ecumenical Councils (Constantinople II, Lateran IV and Lyons II) declared Mary "ever-virgin", stressing her perpetual virginity (DS 423, 801, 852). These affirmations were taken up by the Second Vatican Council, which highlighted the fact that Mary "through her faith and obedience ... gave birth on earth to the very Son of the Father, not through the knowledge of man but by the overshadowing of the Holy Spirit" (Lumen gentium, n. 63).

In addition to the conciliar definitions, there are the definitions of the papal Magisterium concerning the Immaculate Conception of the "Blessed Virgin Mary" (DS 2803) and the Assumption of the "Immaculate and Ever-Virgin Mother of God" (DS 3903).

5. Although the definitions of the Magisterium, except for those of the Lateran Council of 649, desired by Pope Martin I, do not explain the meaning of the term "virgin", it is clear that this term is used in its customary sense: the voluntary abstention from sexual acts and the preservation of bodily integrity. However, physical integrity is considered essential to the truth of faith of Jesus' virginal conception (cf. Catechism of the Catholic Church, n. 496).

The description of Mary as "Holy Ever-Virgin, Immaculate" draws attention to the connection between holiness and virginity. Mary wanted a virginal life, because she was motivated by the desire to give her whole heart to God.

The expression used in the definition of the Assumption, "the Immaculate, Ever-Virgin Mother of God", also implies the connection between Mary's virginity and her motherhood: two prerogatives miraculously combined in the conception of Jesus, true God and true man. Thus Mary's virginity is intimately linked to her divine motherhood and perfect holiness."


After the Catechesis, Pope John Paul II greeted the pilgrims in various languages

[In Polish] Bardzo się cieszę, że was widzę w Rzymie, a w szczególności witam księży biskupów: ks. bpa Ignacego Jeża z Koszalina, ks. bpa Dydycza z Drohiczyna i wszystkich pielgrzymów; grupy parafialne: z Bydgoszczy, Częstochowy, Chmielnika, Dobrzenia Wielkiego, Gdańska, Gościna, Gostynia, Krzęcina, Kielc, Kuńkowiec, Kraśnika, Lidzbarku, Nowego Tomyśla, Olesna, Oświęcimia, Poznania, Puław, Siedlec, Starachowic, Solca Wielkopolskiego, Warszawy, a także ze Stanów Zjednoczonych. Pozdrawiam Katolickie Stowarzyszenie Młodzieży (czyli KSM) z Olsztyna, liceum salezjańskie z Mińska Mazowieckiego, siostry elżbietanki i siostry urszulanki - z młodzieżą z Wrocławia, księży saletynów - z koroną dla Matki Bożej w Dębowcu - oraz Zespól « Stokrotki » z Warszawy. Dzień, który dał nam Pan jest dniem zmartwychwstania Chrystusa. Raz w roku obchodzimy ten dzień, ale równocześnie każda niedziela - każda bez wyjątku rúedziela - jest poświęcona tej samej tajemnicy zmartwychwstania Chrystusa. Był to dzień wielkiej radości dla Matki Najświętszej. Dlatego śpiewamy do Niej w czasie wielkanocnym: « Raduj się, ciesz się, Królowo Niebieska ». Nazywamy Ją Królową i tak, jako Królową, wzywamy Ją w naszej Litanii Loretańskiej. Nazywamy Ją Królową, ponieważ była Matką Syna Bożego, a będąc Matką, zachowała skarb dziewictwa. W Litanii Loretańskiej mówimy do Niej naprzód Matko, a potem Panno, czyli Dziewico. To jest wielka tajemnica Boża: zespolenie macierzyństwa z dziewictwem, które stało się przywilejem Maryi. Właśnie w imię Matki Bożej - Matki i Dziewicy, Królowej Polski - wszystkich was pozdrawiam w Rzymie. Życzę wam, ażeby te odwiedziny Wiecznego Miasta umocniły waszą wiarę i wdzięczność dla Boga za to, że we wspólnocie Kościoła Chrystusowego - zbudowanego na apostołach, na św. Piotrze - naród nasz trwa już drugie tysiąclecie. Wszystkich, których tutaj przynosicie z sobą w sercu, pozdrówcie. Pomodlimy się za nich wspólnie.

[In French] Chers frères et soeurs, je suis heureux d'accueillir les pèlerins de langue française. Je salue en particulier la famille de Monsieur l'Ambassadeur de Côte-d'Ivoire près le Saint-Siège, le groupe de l'île de la Réunion, et les Petits Chanteurs de la Maîtrise de Québec. Je vous souhaite à tous un heureux séjour à Rome et je vous bénis de grand coeur.

[In English] Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am pleased to welcome the many English-speaking visitors present at today's Audience, especially the pilgrims from England and Wales, Scotland, Pakistan, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Таiwаn and the United States. My greeting also goes to the ecumenical delegation from the American Summer Institute sponsored by the Waldensian Faculty in Rome. To the choirs I express my gratitude for their praise of God in song. Upon all you I cordially invoke the joy and peace of Jesus Christ our Saviour.

[In German] Liebe Schwestern und Brüder! Mit dieser kurzen Betrachtung grüße ich alle deutschsprachigen Pilger und Besucher sehr herzlich. Mein besonderer Gruß gilt den Religionslehrerinnen und -lehrern aus Regensburg sowie allen Schülerinnen und Schülern aus Deutschland, insbesondere dem Schulorchester aus Landsberg. Euch allen wünsche ich erholsame Ferien und erteile Euch, Euren lieben Angehörigen zu Hause sowie den mit uns über Radio Vatikan und das Fernsehen verbundenen Gläubigen gern den Apostolischen Segen.

[In Dutch] Мoge uw pelgrimstocht naar de heilige plaatsen een voortdurend gebed zijn dat uw geloof versterkt en u maakt tot wаrе getuigen van het evangelie. Van harte verleen ik u allen de Apostolische Zegen.

[In Spanish] Queridos hermanos y hermanas, saludo muy cordialmente a los peregrinos y visitantes de lengua española. En particular, a las Religiosas Dominicas Oblatas de Jesús, en el 50 Aniversario de su fundación. Saludo también a la « Peregrinación de Fátima », de Colombia; a los peregrinos mexicanos, así como a los diversos grupos de España. Al encomendares a todos bajo la maternal protección de la Virgen Inmaculada os imparto con afecto la Bendición Apostólica.

[In Portuguese] Queridos Irmãos e Irmãs, Amados peregrinos de língua portuguesa, de modo especial os grupos anunciados do Brasil e de Portugal: saúdo-vos cordialmente Senhor, pedindo-Lhe que assista com as Suas graças e protecção os vossos passos, a vossa família e as vossas comunidades eclesiais, nomeadamente a paróquia de Abiul, ao conceder a todos a minha Bênção Apostólica.

[In Croatian] Srdačno pozdravljam članove Kulturno-umjetničkoga društva « Drenjanci » iz Drenja i skupinu vjernika iz Krapine. Jednako tako srdačno pozdravljam i predstavnike Maloga koncila, dječjega mjesečnog lista koji već tri desetljeća širi i podupire vjersku pouku mladih hrvatskih naraštaja u domovini i inozemstvu, te sve sudionike Tribusa iz Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine, koji su nagrađeni za svoje zalaganje na vjeronauku i oči tovano znanje tijekom upravo završene školske godine. Svima vama ovdje nazočnima, vašim obiteljima, te svoj djeci i mladeži Hrvatske i Bosne i Hercegovine udjeljujem Ароstоlski Blagoslov. Hvaljen Isus i Marija!

[In Czech] Milí ministranti salesiánských farností Čech a Moravy! Jste spokojeni sami se sebou? Don Bosco vybízel každého chlapce, s nímž se setkal, aby se cítil ve své kůži. Pak ho povzbuzoval, aby vykonal něco dobrého. Kdo koná dobro, jde za Ježíšem: ví, ž bez něho nemůže délat nic (Cfr. Io. 15, 5). Kdo koná dobro poznává Toho, který jediný je dobrý Bůh (Cfr. Matth. 19, 17). On je pramenem pokoje který svět nemůže dát, a radosti, k níž vás povzbuzuje Don Bosco. Z celého srdce žehnám vám, vašim rodičům a drahým ve vlasti! Chvála Kristu!

[In Slovakian] Sláskou pozdravujem slovenkých pútnikov z Košíc a zo Skalice, z Prešova, zo Bzovíka a z Bánoviec nad Bebravou. V Minulých dňoch sme spomínali a vynikajúcich Kristových svedkov: najprv na svätého Petra a Pavla, ktorí vyliatím svojej krvi dosvedčili vieru v Krista, ktorú hlásali, - potom na svätého Cyrila a Metoda, ktorí s hrdinskou odvahou ohlasovali vieru vašim predkom. - Drahí bratia a sestry, aj vy ste povolaní byt' Kristovými svedkami. Tu v Ríme - na hroboch svätého Petra a Pavla - sa modlite o posilnenie vo viere, aby ste ju mohli vo vlasti dosvedčovat' svojím príkladom. K tomu vám zo srdca udel'ujem svoje Apoštolské Požehnanie. Pochválený bud' Ježiš Kristus.

[In Lithuanian] Kreipiuosi į grupę svečių iš Lietuvos. Вrangieji dėkodamas už šį jūsų apsilankymą, linkiu jums ir meldžiu Viešpatį Dievą, kad grįždami į savąjį Kraštą, neštūmėte savyje gilų troškimą: nuolatos augti tikėjime, tiesoje ir broliškoje meilėje. Iš visos širdies laiminu jus ir jūsų Tėvynę. Garbė Jėzui Kristui!

[In Hungarian] Isten hozott Benneteket az Örökvárosban, kedves miskolci és lentii zarándokok! A Hiszekegy-ben megvalljuk: « Megtestesült a Szentlélek erejéből Szúz Máriától, és emberré lett ». Segítsen bennünket az Istenember, Jézus Krisztus, hogy a megváltásba vetett hitünk és reményunk növekedjék, és hálaadásunk jusson kifejezésre igazi keresztény életünk által. Ezt kérem Tinéktek és az otthoni testvéreknek a Szűzanya kőzbenjárására. Apostoli Áldásommal. Dicsértessék a Jézus Krisztus!

[In Italian] Rivolgo un cordiale pensiero ai реllеgrini di lingua italiana. Saluto, in particolare, quanti prendono parte al quarto Meeting di Missiologia presso il Centro Internazionale di animazione missionaria, come pure i partecipanti alla Conferenza Europea delle Radio cristiane ed auspico di cuore che agli uomini del nostro tempo possa essere comunicato con sempre maggiore generosità e coraggio il perenne messaggio della salvezza.

* * *

Saluto anche i Soci del Rotary Club di Roma nord-est e i dirigenti, i giocatori, i tecnici e gli allenatori della squadra Lazio Baseball, ai quali esprimo gratitudine per la visita ed auguro che questo incontro sia di stimolo per rafforzare i propositi di testimonianza cristiana.

Ai giovani, agli ammalati e agli sposi novelli

Saluto ora i giovani, gli ammalati e gli sposi novelli. Domani celebreremo la festa di san Benedetto abate, Patrono d'Europa e padre del Monachesimo occidentale, il quale ricorda anche a noi che nulla assolutamente può essere anteposto a Cristo, come scrisse nella Regola e luminosamente testimoniò nella vita. Vi esorto, cari giovani, sul suo esempio, a mettere Cristo al centro della vostra vita per essere autentici testimoni del Vangelo nella nostra società.

Incoraggio voi, cari ammalati, ad accogliere con fede il mistero del dolore sull'esempio di Gesù, che ha compiuto sino in fondo la volontà del Padre celeste. Ed invito voi, cari sposi novelli, ad attingere ogni giorno dal Signore la forza perché il vostro amore cresca vero, duraturo ed aperto agli altri. A tutti con affetto imparto una speciale Benedizione."


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