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The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple

Blessed John Paul II's Catechesis
11 December 1996 - in Italian & Spanish

"1. In the episode of the Presentation of Jesus in the temple, St Luke emphasizes Jesus' messianic destiny. The immediate purpose of the Holy Family's journey from Bethlehem to Jerusalem according to the Lucan text was to fulfil the law: "And when the time came for their purification according to the law of Moses, they brought him up to Jerusalem to present him to the Lord (as it is written in the law of the Lord, 'Every male that opens the womb shall be called holy to the Lord'), and to offer a sacrifice according to what is said in the law of the Lord, 'a pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons'" (Lk 2:22-24).

With this act, Mary and Joseph show their intention of faithfully obeying God's will, rejecting every kind of privilege. Their coming to the temple in Jerusalem has the significance of a consecration to God in the place where he is present.

Obliged by her poverty to offer turtledoves or pigeons, Mary in fact gives the true Lamb who would redeem humanity, thus anticipating what was prefigured in the ritual offerings of the old law.

2. While the law required the purification after birth of the mother alone, Luke speaks of the "time for their purification" (2:22), intending perhaps to indicate together the prescriptions involving both the mother and the firstborn Son.

The term "purification" can surprise us, because it is referred to a Mother who had been granted, by a singular grace, to be immaculate from the first moment of her existence, and to a Child who was totally holy. However, it must be remembered that it was not a question of purifying the conscience from some stain of sin, but only of reacquiring ritual purity which, according to the ideas of the time, may be harmed by the simple fact of birth without there being any form of guilt.

The Evangelist uses the occasion to stress the special link existing between Jesus, as "first-born" (Lk 2:7, 23) and God's holiness, as well as to indicate the spirit of humble offering which motivated Mary and Joseph (cf. Lk 2:24). In fact, the "two turtledoves or two young pigeons" (Lv 12:8), was the offering of the poor.

3. In the temple, Joseph and Mary meet Simeon, "righteous and devout, looking for the consolation of Israel" (Lk 2:25).

The Lucan narrative says nothing of his past or of the service he carried out in the temple; it tells of a deeply religious man who nurtures great desires in his heart and awaits the Messiah, the consolation of Israel. In fact, "the Holy Spirit was upon him" and "it had been revealed to him ... that he should not see death before he had seen the Lord's Christ" (Lk 2:25-26). Simeon invites us to look at the merciful action of God who pours out the Spirit on his faithful to bring to fulfilment his mysterious project of love.

Simeon, a man who is open to God's action, "inspired by the Spirit" (Lk 2:27), goes to the temple where he meets Jesus, Joseph and Mary. Taking the Child in his arms, he blesses God and says, "Lord, now let your servant depart in peace, according to your word" (Lk 2:29).

Simeon uses an Old Testament phrase to express the joy he experiences on meeting the Messiah and feels that the purpose of his life has been fulfilled; he can therefore ask the Most High to let him depart in peace to the next world.

In the episode of the Presentation we can glimpse the meeting of Israel's hope with the Messiah. We can also see in it a prophetic sign of man's encounter with Christ. The Holy Spirit makes it possible by awakening in the human heart the desire for this salvific meeting and by bringing it about.

Nor can we neglect the role of Mary who gives the Child to the holy old man Simeon. By divine will, it is the Mother who gives Jesus to mankind.

4. In revealing the Saviour's future, Simeon refers to the prophecy of the "Servant" sent to the chosen people and to the nations. To him the Lord says, "I have taken you by the hand and kept you; I have given you as a covenant to the people, a light to the nations" (Is 42:6). And again: "'It is too light a thing that you should be my servant to raise up the tribes of Jacob and to restore the preserved of Israel; I will give you as a light to the nations, that my salvation may reach to the end of the earth" (Is 49:6).

In his canticle, Simeon reverses the perspective and puts the stress on the universality of Jesus' mission: "For my eyes have seen your salvation which you have prepared in the presence of all peoples, a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory for your people Israel" (Lk 2:30-32).

How can we fail to marvel at these words? "And his father and mother marveled at what was said about him" (Lk 2:33). But this experience enabled Joseph and Mary to understand more clearly the importance of their act of offering: in the temple of Jerusalem they present the One who, being the glory of his people, is also the salvation of all mankind."


After his Catechesis, Pope John Paul II greeted the pilgrims at the General Audience in numerous languages:

"Chers frères et soeurs, je salue cordialement les pèlerins de langue française et je leur souhaite une bonne préparation à la fête de Noël, dans l'attente du Sauveur de tous les hommes. À chacun d'entre vous, je donne de grand coeur ma Bénédiction Apostolique.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am pleased to greet the newly-professed Missionaries of Charity and their families. Upon all the English-speaking visitors, especially the pilgrims from Singapore and the United States, I cordially invoke the joy and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Liebe Schwestern und Brüder! Mit dieser kurzen Betrachtung grüße ich alle deutschsprachigen Pilger sehr herzlich. Besonders heiße ich den Kinderchor der katholischen Schule Hamburg-Blankenese willkommen. Gerne erteile ich Euch und Euren Angehörigen zu Hause sowie den über Radio Vatikan mit uns verbundenen Gläubigen den Apostolischen Segen.

Queridos hermanos y hermanas, saludo ahora con afecto a todos los peregrinos venidos desde América Latina y España. En este tiempo del adviento os invito a contemplar la figura y misión de María. Ella, que entregó el Niño al santo Simeón, es por designio divino la Madre que da a Jesús a los hombres. Con estos deseos, os imparto de corazón la Bendición Apostólica.

Caríssimos Irmãos e Irmãs de língua portuguesa, Saúdo cordialmente quantos me escutam, para todos implorando neste tempo de Advento, que o Senhor venha aos corações de todos, por intercessão de Maria, Imaculada Conceição.

Saluto in lingua slovacca:

Sláskou pozdravujem bratov a sestry z Bratislavy a z Košic. Drahi pútnici zo Slovenska. Vykonali ste dlhú testu, aby ste navštívili posvätné miesta v Rime a pozdravili Námestníka Kristovho. Ďakujem vám, že ste prišli. Chcem vas povzbudif, aby ste v tomto Advente vrúcne očakávali Krista. On už prišiel na svet v Betleheme, ale znova chce príse osobitne k vám každému, aby osvietil a posvätil celý váš život. Ako Panna Mária - aj vy ho očakávajte s radosfou. K tomu vám zo srdca udel'ujem Apoštolské Požehnanie. Pochválený bud' Ježiš Kristus.

Saluto in lingua polacca:

SERDECZNIE WITAM i pozdrawiam wszystkich pielgrzymów z Polski. W szczególności pozdrawiam Zakopane, które czeka wraz z duszpasterzami. Bóg zapłać za choinki! Witam parafię Świętej Rodziny, parafię Świętego Krzyża, sanktuarium Matki Boskiej Fatimskiej z Krzeptówek, radnych miasta Zakopanego oraz kierownictwo Domu Rekolekcyjnego « Księżówka ». Nadto pozdrawiam: pielgrzymkę z Podhala, z ziemi limanowskiej oraz grupę pielgrzymkową z Warszawy i innych polskich miejscowości.

Dzisiejsza katecheza nawiązuje do tego wydarzenia, które rokrocznie przypomina nam Matka Boska Gromniczna. 2 lutego obchodzimy Matkę Bożą Gromniczną. Jest to szczególne święto, jeszcze mocno związane z Bożym Narodzeniem, a już wskazujące na Wielkanoc, przede wszystkim na Wielki Tydzień. Prorok Symeon mówi do Maryi, że Ten, to znaczy Jezus, jest przeznaczony jako « znak, któremu sprzeciwiać się będą, a Twoją własną duszę przeniknie miecz »(Cfr. Luc. 2, 34). Jest w tym proroctwo Wielkiego Piątku.

Między Bożym Narodzeniem a Wielkim Piątkiem obchodzimy bardzo ważne święto. To święto ukazuje nam Maryję, Maryję jako Matkę, Maryję jako Oblubienicę Ducha Świętego, Maryję można powiedzieć - w misji profetycznej. Tę, która otrzymuje proroctwo, w której spełniają się proroctwa, która zarazem jest wielkim Bożym proroctwem - Maryję Matkę Odkupiciela albo Matkę Bolesną spod krzyża.

Wiem, że jesteście bardzo przywiązani do Matki Bożej Gromnicznej. Starajcie się to święto stale obchodzić według najlepszych góralskich, podhalańskich i polskich tradycji. Niech będzie dla was zawsze profetycznym żródłem tej wiary, która prowadzi nas do Chrystusa ukrzyżowanego i zmartwychwstałego.

Niech będzie pochwalony Jezus Chrystus!


SALUTO CON AFFETTO i pellegrini di lingua italiana. Sono lieto di accogliere il gruppo dell'Istituto « Don Orione » Massa Marittima-Piombino, come pure i ragazzi russi colpiti dalla catastrofe di Chernobyl e ospiti del Circolo San Pietro e dell'ENEA. Il Signore protegga voi, cari ragazzi, e quanti vi hanno accolto. Saluto inoltre i dirigenti e i dipendenti della ditta « Clementoni », di Recanati.

Rivolgo uno speciale messaggio di saluto agli organizzatori, agli artisti ed a tutti coloro che prendono parte al « Derby del cuore », tradizionale manifestazione sportiva, che si propone di suscitare nella pubblica opinione, soprattutto tra i giovani, solidarietà concreta verso quanti sono in difficoltà. È bello che in prossimità del Natale lo sport diventi festa della fraternità, invito ad aprire il cuore agli altri. Agli attori-atleti, ai volontari e a tutti i ragazzi delle scuole di Roma, dito: Date un cuore alto sport! Che lo sport sia sempre occasione di sano divertimento e di amicizia.

Saluto anche la Banda musicale di Merano.

Il mio pensiero va, infine, ai giovani, ai malati ed agli sposi novelli.

IN QUESTO TEMPO d'Avvento, cari giovani, andate incontro con animo festante al Signore che viene, portando a Lui il dono del vostro entusiasmo e della vostra generosità, affinché egli possa essere conosciuto e amato da tutti gli uomini. Voi, cari malati, attraverso il pellegrinaggio della vostra sofferenza, sappiate trovare in Cristo la vera consolazione e scoprire il valore salvifico dell'esperienza che state vivendo. E voi, cari sposi novelli, fate in modo che il cammino della vostra vita nel reciproco amore e nell'unità trovi il suo fondamento proprio nel Bambin di Betlemme, che sta per nascere per la nostra redenzione.

Con tali auspici, tutti di cuore benedico."

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