Brazil - Brasil
Responses to Totus2us podcasts given by Brazilians with Christian names beginning with A to K - many thanks to you all ♥
Respostas aos podcasts de Totus2us dados por brasileiros com nomes cristãos começando com A a K - muito obrigado a todos vocês ♥
"The Virgin Mary for me, she’s really my mother, my queen, and I know that I can’t live my life without Mary. She's for me the hope, she gives me the force to be always with Christ."
Adriano gives his something about Mary in English & French.
"Mary is the mother who never said no; who has always accepted God's wishes for her. She is with us in every day and every second of our lives, protecting and caring as our true mother."
"Our Lady of Aparecida is very dear in our country and the special thing about her I think is that she comes to us very closely and silently. She doesn’t do anything strong. She just was there in the river and someone rescued her and people took her to their homes and then she began to give favours. And all the country gathers round her now - she had a room, she had a shrine, now she has a really big beautiful church where people call her mother, everyone calls that place 'our mother’s home - a casa da nossa mãe’. All over the world, all the over the hearts, she makes herself very close to us."
Anne gives her something about Maria in English and Portuguese.
"Mary is totally important in my Christian life because she is a way to meet God. I think it's impossible for one person who is a sinner not to have help to meet God. So Mary, she is a good way to meet her Son. In my life, my mother always prayed for her to help me and I consider that she is totally important in my Christian life. I need her and I could not live my Christian life without her."
Barbara gives her something about Mary in English & Portuguese.
"Our Lady protects us and looks after us and we love her and she loves us."
Camilla gives her something about Mary in English & Portuguese.
"Mary teaches us how to carry everything in silence, in our hearts."
Edna gave her algo sobre Maria in English & Portuguese. She also very generously recorded praying the Divine Mercy chaplet & Stations of the Cross in Portuguese for Totus2us - many thanks, dearest Edna ♥
"It's quite difficult to talk about Mary because my experience of her is so subjective. There are no words to translate the feeling I have when I pray; when I talk to her, it's unbelievable - I love her."
Geraldo gives his algo sobre Maria in English & Portuguese.
"We belong to a movement of the Church called Teams of Our Lady and Our Lady is really showing us the way always. And our movement is devoted to sanctifying the couples. We are a movement in the Church devoted to the couples and Our Lady is our guide."
Giacomo & Rosann give their something about Mary in English & Portuguese.
"Once I heard a priest saying that the guy that shot Pope John Paul II was a professional shooter and he could not understand how come, so close to the Pope, he could miss the fatal assassination. And then John Paul II went to Portugal, Lisbon, and put in the crown of Our Lady of Fatima the bullet that missed his fatal death, and he thanked Mary for diverting the hand of the assassin. And he just kneeled in front of her and thanked her. And I thank her for diverting from me all the atrocities of my own life."
Gleisson gives his something about Mary in English & Portuguese.
"I think Mary is very important to me and she always has been because it's very easy to pray to her because I consider her like a mother. I've been thinking a lot about her because we have a friend who passed away last Thursday, very young (our age), and I was thinking about his mother and how Mary has gone through the same thing in a way. So I think it's very good for us to pray to her now because she can understand very well how that pain is."
Gustav gives his something about Mary in English & Portuguese.
"We are very happy to make part of the Equipes of Nostra Senhora because it helps us very much in our walking in holiness. Our Lady helps us every day and we are very happy because of that."
"What do I love about Our Lady? That she’s just always there, every time I need her.
O que eu amo em Nossa Senhora? Que ela está sempre lá, quando eu preciso dela."
"The Virgin Mary for me is my mother .. is the person with whom I try to talk. I wish I was a better son who would pray the rosary more often to make her happy. .. I ask her to remind me that she is always close to me."
João Paulo gives his something about Maria in English & Portuguese.
"Mary for me is my mother. She's the Mother of the Church and I'm part of the Church and I embrace her as my mother. I grow in friendship with Christ through her. And it's all about this tenderness that a mother has for her child. .. Blessed be God for giving his Blessed Mother to us and thank you to Our Lady for taking us as her adopted children really. She's going to point us to Christ always."
José gives his something about Maria in English & Portuguese.