World Youth Day Toronto 2002
Journée Mondiale de la Jeunesse 2002
XVII World Youth Day - 23 - 28 July / Juillet 2002
"You are the salt of the earth ... you are the light of the world" (Mt 5: 13,14)
John Paul II's message to the youth of the world - in Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Polish, Portuguese & Spanish.
- Flash is required!
Nathan, who's 27 and from Brazil, talks about his memories of JP2 at World Youth Day Toronto.
"You are young, and the Pope is old .. But the Pope still fully identifies with your hopes and aspirations. Although I have lived through much darkness, under harsh totalitarian regimes, I have seen enough evidence to be unshakably convinced that no difficulty, no fear is so great that it can completely suffocate the hope that springs eternal in the hearts of the young. You are our hope, the young are our hope.
Do not let that hope die! Stake your lives on it! We are not the sum of our weaknesses and failures; we are the sum of the Father's love for us and our real capacity to become the image of his Son." - JPII WYD Toronto 2002
For 1st 5 mins of this next video there's nothing but joyful dancing...then you spot the 1st priest...and then lots more.. Many thanks to 'Reeemas' for this great video: "Excerpt from a video montage (that I created) depicting my WYD experience. I was part of an American/Lithuanian group. There are two parts divided by some raw footage."