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Responses to Totus2us podcasts given by Indians with Christian names beginning with K to Z - many thanks to you all       ♥


"I have faith in Our Lady ... She has helped me in so many ways, throughout my life until today."


"As to what we've learnt about Mother Mary, she is a woman who was conceived without any sin, she's someone who has been blessed by God with a really special gift."


"I trust in Our Lady and she has always protected me and my family."


"Whenever I feel afraid I just hold the rosary in my hand. .. There are no words to explain the love of Jesus and Mary. The love is eternal, we can’t measure it."


"I love Mother Mary. I pray to her every day and she's our help and our guide everytime, so blessed Mary, Mother!"


"Our Lady is like a mother to me, more than a mother to me. She was with me in all my happiness and sufferings; I can share everything with her. Every time I have cried in front of her, she had an answer for me."

Maria Francisca     

"The love that I have for my mother is nothing compared to the love that I have for Mother Mary. She has been my source of inspiration, she still is and she still will be. And I always go to her in times of my need, in times of trouble, and she has been with me through my good times,  my bad times, my ugly times. She hasn't forsaken me and I will love her till I breathe my last."

Sister Marlene      

"For me, Our Lady is a good person for me, like a mother. I can say to her to intercede to her beloved son in a special way. .. If I ask something, help from Our Lady, she is the one person to guide my life to her beloved son. She is a very good person. I can have confidence in her."

Sister Marlene, after giving her something about Mary in English, sings Ave Maria in Malayalam.

Father Mathew      

"Our Lady is a wonderful example of someone who obeyed God's will wholeheartedly and said yes to God in everything she did because she had a great love for God and everything about God. Today I take great courage from the example of my mother and my queen, and she is a person I love so much and she is truly my mother and my heavenly intercessor. I'm grateful to God for that gift."

Father Mathew is now a priest of Clifton diocese in the UK, currently (2017) in Salisbury parish.

Mercy Grace       

"Our Lady is like a mother .. I love her very much."


"Mother Mary to me is my mother. I go to her for all my needs and I know that she intercedes on my behalf to her Son to grant all favours."


"I think Mary is my mother."


"Mary is our eternal mother."


"The thing that comes to mind about Mary is that she’s pure, she’s forgiving, she guides me, and when the priest said about Mary suffering with pain, I just had tears in my eyes because I think it reflects what mothers go through."


"Personally I experience Mary's protection during the ordinary events of my life and I long to pray the rosary, alone or with my fellow brothers and sisters, in order to reach heaven."


"I'm Indian, I'm a Hindu, but I've had a good experience with Mary because I believe she helps those people nobody will help. She also can get to Jesus faster than anybody because he is the son.  I did tell her in fact that my wife is having a cough problem so help her please. So she must have gone to Jesus and said to him 'These people need help and you're not helping. I'm your mother, I'm directing you to help his wife.' Jesus helped because she believes in her son as well and she knows. No words can describe what I think of her because she is the Mother of God. ... I wish all the people: believe in her from your heart, not pretending, and it will happen. Mountains can be moved with belief."


"I love Our Lady very much. She is my queen and my mother."


"Mary has always been the mother who had a very informal, very unnoticed, simple role in her life but that role made her the most important influence in the life of Jesus. I see her as someone whom we can approach, who's simple, who's there to support and guide without being like a teacher or being someone forceful, someone whom we can always approach when we really need her."


"Through Mary it is a great step to go near to Jesus because she is next to Jesus, she is always near to Jesus, and she can help us to be with Jesus."

Sister Prisena      

"Throughout our life we experience our Mother’s help and our Patron, Saint Charles Borromeo, who is there close to us, helping us in our daily life."


"It's very difficult to say something about the Mother of the Son of God, as he is known ... My cough is 70% down because of her .. She has blessed us, she has helped me .. We went to Lourdes and I had a dip in the water.  It is very difficult to describe the feeling I had. Wonderful, not describable!"


"Mother Mary, you are always helping us. Please help, Mother Mary. I give you thanks, I give you praise. I thank you, praise you all the time, all the day. Thank you, Mother Mary."


"Mother Mary is a mother to me. She is a messenger who delivers all our prayers to Jesus. She is a rock when people are in difficulty. She helps through the rosary and delivers all our prayers to Jesus."


"For me, Mary is like a mother to whom I can run to at any time and tell her all that I need to and I know that I have an answer for every complaint that I make to her."


"From childhood, I’ve always believed in Mother Mary. I was taught about Mother Mary being the mother of Jesus, so how she could bring us closer to Jesus and help us in our day to day lives, guide us."


"Our Lady has been my inspiration. She’s been there whenever I’ve been in trouble and recently when I lost my mum and my brother, she's been there. She's guided me and helped along, and given me the strength to do what I'm doing right now, like my cake decorating."


"I see Mary as my mother, just the way I see a mother."


"I think Mary is really inspirational to me because she was chosen by God to receive Jesus, which in itself is really, really good. And Mary to me is a really kind person and she is my hero and she leads the way, and when I need help I pray to her, and she is a really good person."


"I like Mother Mary. We do pray to her every day and we do the rosary."


"I pray to Mother Mary and Mother Mary hears my prayers, and I love her very much."

Shweta gives her something about Mary in English & Konkani.


"I love Mother Mary and Mother Mary is my mother. I’m so devoted to her and in all my need I feel her presence always with me. The rosary is my weapon. One Hail Mary is a nuclear bomb against the devil. So I love Mother Mary and I love the rosary and I promote the devotion to Mother Mary. Ave Maria!"


"Mary is somebody who is a mother to all. To me she’s a mother as well, a mother that I can depend on, pray to and somebody who I can relate to."


"Our Lady is my constant friend, all my life."


"Mary is my mother and my dearest friend and my chief confidante. And Mother Mary has helped me, especially when coming here to Our Lady of Willesden."


"From my childhood, my parents taught me to recite the rosary. It’s a special protection for us every time, we feel it when we recite the rosary. Every time when we walk, like our breath, with our breath; our parents taught us with our breath to recite at least the name of Jesus, Mary or Joseph."

Thomas is currently studying in Rome (where this was recorded ... the background swush is the sound of St Peter's being cleaned :o)


"Mary is the Mother of God and she is close to God … Pray the rosary - everything will happen!"


"I look at Mary as my own mother … I know she’s with us the whole time because I can always feel her presence."

Valiton's reflection on the Eucharist      

"The inspiration that I get every time I go to Mass is that I am seeing Jesus and for me that’s the biggest thing I can offer to God by attending Mass and receiving the Eucharist."


"Our Lady is my protector, she’s always there for me."

Father Wilfred OCD       

"There among the poor I was strengthened in my vocation. Somehow they provided me with a vision for my life. I knew as a priest I was called to love and to serve after the example of Christ. In 1997 I was ordained a priest in India and thereafter was sent to Tanzania as a missionary. Since then I have been a part of our mission in Tanzania, making of my life, to use the words of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, something beautiful for God in loving and serving others in little and insignificant ways. There is nothing extraordinary in the way I received my call to the priesthood. It was all a natural process as if everything was planned. The people I encountered, the events that took place all helped me to reach where I wanted to be, or better, where I had to be. Life has not been a bed of roses, sailing was tough at times and still is. But the Lord has been gracious and was there to support me in ways unknown to me at those difficult times. Now when I look back I know that He was there and that gives me the assurance that He will be there throughout and I confidently sing with the psalmist 'The Lord is my shepherd, there is nothing I shall want.'"

Father Wilfred Pais is a Carmelite priest and is currently studying in Rome.


"Mother Mary, she’s our helper and she’ll listen to everything that we’re saying or praying. If you ask her, she gives you it. And everything I ask her, she helps me and she filled my dream."

If you'd like to give your something about Mary,
please do get in touch with the Totus2us team

- as well as hopefully bringing you joy,
you'd be really helping Totus2us   ♥

Totus tuus ego sum et omnia mea tua sunt.
Accipio te in mea omnia. Praebe mihi cor tuum, Maria. - St Louis de Montfort

Pope Saint John Paul II took his motto Totus Tuus from this quote.

"I am totally yours and all that I have is yours.
I accept you for my all. O Mary, give me your heart.”