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In the beginning was the Word
(John 1, 1-3)

Catechesis by Pope St John Paul II on the History of Salvation (2 of 119)
General Audience, Wednesday 26 November 1997 - also in French, German, Italian, Portuguese & Spanish

"1. The celebration of the Jubilee makes us contemplate Jesus Christ as (the) point of arrival of the time that precedes/preceding Him and the point of departure of that which follows Him. He has in fact inaugurated a new history not only for those who believe in Him, but for the entire human community, because the salvation wrought by Him is offered to every man. Now/Henceforth in all of history the fruits of his salvific work are mysteriously spreading/diffused /throughout history. With Christ eternity made its entrance in time!

"In the beginning was the Word" (Jn 1, 1). With these words John begins his Gospel by making us go back beyond the beginning of our time, (all the way) to divine eternity. Unlike Matthew and Luke, who linger/dwell above all on the circumstances of the human birth of the Son of God, John points/focuses/directs his gaze on the mystery of his divine pre-existence.

In this phrase/sentence, "in the beginning" means the absolute beginning, beginning without beginning, eternity precisely. The expression echoes that present in the account of creation: "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Gn 1, 1). But in creation it was about the beginning of time, while here, where the Word is spoken of, it is about eternity.

The distance is infinite between the two principles. It is the distance between time and eternity, between creatures and God.

2. Possessing, as Word, an eternal existence, Christ has an origin that goes back far beyond his birth in time.

This assertion by John is based by a precise saying/word by Jesus himself. To the Jews who reproach him for claiming to have seen Abraham when he was not yet 50 years old, Jesus replies: "Truly, truly, I say to you: before Abraham came into existence, I Am" (Jn 8, 58). The affirmation underlines the contrast between the becoming of Abraham and the being of Jesus. The word "genésthai" used in the Greek text for Abraham means in fact "to become" or "to come into existence": it is the suitable verb to designate the way/mode of existing proper to creatures. On the contrary, only Jesus can say: "I Am", indicating with this expression the fullness of being which remains/lies beyond every/any/all becoming. He expresses thus the/his consciousness/awareness of possessing an eternal personal being.

3. By applying to himself the expression "I Am", Jesus makes his own the name of God, revealed to Moses in Exodus. After having given him the mission of liberating his people from slavery in Egypt, Yahweh the Lord assures him of assistance and closeness, and as if/almost as pledge of his fidelity reveals to him the mystery of his name: "I am who I am" (Ex 3, 14). Thus Moses will be able to/can say to the Israelites: "I-Am has sent me to you" (ibid). This name expresses the salvific presence of God in favour of his people, but also his inaccessible mystery.

Jesus makes this divine name his own. In John’s Gospel this expression appears several times on his lips (cf Jn 8, 24.28.58; 13, 19). With it Jesus efficaciously shows that eternity,
in his person, not only precedes time, but enters time.

While sharing the human condition, Jesus is conscious/aware of his eternal being which confers a higher/superior value on all his activities. He himself underlined this eternal value: "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away" (Mk 13, 31). His words, as also/like his actions, have a unique, definitive value, and will continue to interpellate/challenge/call for a response from humanity until the end of time.

4. Jesus’ work involves two aspects closely united: it is a salvific action, which frees humanity from the power of evil, and it is a new creation, which provides/gives/obtains for men participation in divine life.

(The) Liberation from evil had been prefigured in the Old Covenant, but only Christ can fully realize it. He alone, as Son, has an eternal power over human history: "If the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed" (Jn 8, 36). The Letter to the Hebrews strongly underlines this truth, showing how the unique/only/one sacrifice of the Son has obtained for us "eternal redemption" (Heb 9, 12), far exceeding the value of the sacrifices of the
Old Covenant.

The new creation can be realized only by the One who is omnipotent/all-powerful, since/because it implies the communication of divine life to human existence.

5. The perspective of the eternal origin of the Word, particularly underlined in John’s Gospel, stimulates us to penetrate into the depth of the mystery of Christ.

Let us go, therefore, towards the Jubilee, ever more strongly
professing our faith in Christ, "God from God, light from light, true God from true God". These expressions/phrases of the Creed open to us the way to the mystery, they are an invitation to approach it. Jesus continues to witness/testify to our generation, as he did 2000 years ago to his disciples and listeners, to the consciousness/awareness of his divine identity: the mystery of the I Am.

Through/Because of this mystery, human history is no longer abandoned to caducity, but has a meaning and a direction: it has been as if/in a way made fruitful/impregnated by eternity.
For everyone the consoling promise Christ made to his disciples resounds: "Lo, I am with you every day/all the days/always, until the end of the world/to the close of the age" (Mt 28, 20)."


"J'accueille volontiers les personnes de langue française présentes à cette audience. Je leur souhaite d'avancer sur leurs chemins dans la lumière du Christ Sauveur et je les bénis de grand cœur.

I warmly greet the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors, especially the young people of the American All-Star Dance and Drill Team, the students from Australia and Sweden, the group representing the Catholic Schools of Denmark, and the pilgrims from Malaysia and the Philippines. Upon all of you I cordially invoke the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Liebe deutschsprachige Pilger und Besucher! Ich wünsche Euch allen einen besinnlichen Advent und eine gute Vorbereitung auf das Kommen dessen, der uns erlöst hat. Euch allen und Euren Lieben daheim sowie den mit uns über Radio Vatikan und das Fernsehen verbundenen Gläubigen erteile ich gerne den Apostolischen Segen.

Saludo con afecto a los visitantes de lengua española, en particular al Concejo Deliberante del Gobierno de Buenos Aires, a los Cadetes del Servicio Penitenciario de Buenos Aires y a los Oficiales y Cadetes de la Escuela Federal de Policía argentina. Asimismo saludo a los grupos de España, México y Guatemala. Al agradeceros vuestra presencia aquí, os imparto mi Bendición Apostólica.

Desejo saudar cordialmente os peregrinos de língua portuguesa que porventura aqui se encontrem, com os votos de que, já na perspectiva do tempo litúrgico do Advento do Senhor, todos se preparem para o Natal querendo generosamente testemunhar com obras de fé a alegria o nascimento do Filho de Deus."

Traduzione italiana del saluto in lingua ceca

"Un cordiale saluto ai pellegrini di Blatná. Domenica scorsa abbiamo celebrato la solennità di Cristo Re. Dal Padre, Egli è costituito Signore e Giudice dell'universo. Cari fratelli e sorelle, viviamo in modo da adempiere in noi le parole del Vangelo: "Venite, benedetti dal Padre mio, ricevete in eredità il regno preparato per voi fin dalla fondazione del mondo ..  (Mt 25, 34). La Benedizione di Dio vi accompagni! Sia lodato Gesù Cristo!"

Traduzione italiana del saluto in lingua slovacca

"Un cordiale saluto ai pellegrini slovacchi venuti da Vel'ký ur. Cari fratelli e sorelle, l'altra domenica, con la festa di Cristo Re, abbiamo concluso il primo anno di preparazione al Grande Giubileo del Duemila. Che il Cristo Re rimanga per sempre il personaggio centrale della vostra vita. In questo vostro pellegrinaggio a Roma chiedete la forza dello Spirito santo affinchè anche voi, come San Pietro, possiate con fiducia ogni giorno ripetere a Gesù Cristo: "Tu hai parole di vita eterna". Vi sia in ciò di aiuto la Vergine Maria e la mia Benedizione Apostolica. Sia lodato Gesù Cristo!"

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"Nel salutare i pellegrini italiani qui presenti, rivolgo un cordiale benvenuto ai delegati del "Sinodo dei giovani" di Catania, accompagnati dal loro Arcivescovo, Mons. Luigi Bommarito. Carissimi, esprimo vivo apprezzamento per la vostra interessante iniziativa pastorale, che vi vede impegnati a ricercare nuove vie di testimonianza a Cristo, Redentore dell'uomo. A sostegno di questo vostro itinerario di fede, ho voluto indirizzarvi uno speciale Messaggio, che consegnerò al vostro Pastore. Con esso, desidero invitarvi a proseguire sempre con coraggio e con gioia sulle vie del Vangelo, perché "camminando insieme con Gesù si cresce come uomini e come cristiani".

Saluto, poi, gli organizzatori ed i partecipanti al secondo Concorso "Il Volontario in erba", promosso dal Centro Studi Meridionali, come pure, il gruppo di pellegrini provenienti dall'Umbria e dalle Marche, recentemente colpiti dalla calamità del terremoto e qui accompagnati dalla Congregazione delle Ancelle dell'Amore Misericordioso. Mentre vi ringrazio per la vostra presenza, auspico che tali iniziative accrescano la reciproca conoscenza, lo spirito di fraternità e di solidarietà.

Mi rivolgo, infine, ai giovani, ai malati e agli sposi novelli. Domenica prossima, prima domenica di Avvento, inizia il secondo anno di preparazione al Giubileo del Duemila, dedicato in particolare alla riflessione sullo Spirito Santo. Esorto voi, giovani, a vivere questo "tempo forte" con vigile preghiera e ardente azione apostolica. Incoraggio voi, malati, a sostenere con l'offerta delle vostre sofferenze il cammino di preparazione al nuovo Millennio cristiano. Auguro a voi, sposi novelli, di essere testimoni dello Spirito d'amore che anima e sostiene l'intera Famiglia di Dio.

A tutti la mia Benedizione."