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The Incarnation: the entry of eternity into time

Catechesis by Pope Saint John Paul II on the History of Salvation
10 December 1997 - in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese & Spanish

"1. In inviting us to commemorate 2000 years of Christianity, the Jubilee takes us back to the event that inaugurates the Christian era: the birth of Jesus. Luke’s Gospel tells us of this extraordinary event in simple and moving words: Mary "gave birth to her firstborn son and wrapped him in swaddling clothes, and laid him in a manger, because there was no place for them in the inn" (2, 7).

Jesus’ birth makes visible the mystery of the Incarnation already realized in the Virgin’s womb at the time of the Annunciation. In fact, she gives birth to the child that, as the docile and responsible instrument of the divine plan, she had conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit. Through the humanity assumed in Mary’s womb, the eternal Son of God begins to live as a child, and grows "in wisdom and in stature, and in favour with God and man" (Lk 2, 52). Thus he manifests himself as true man.

2. This truth is stressed by John in the Prologue of his Gospel, when he says: "The Word became flesh and dwelt among us" (1, 14). By saying "became flesh", the Evangelist is alluding to his human nature not only in its mortal condition, but also in its entirety. The Son of God assumed all that is human, except sin. The Incarnation is the fruit of an immense love, which spurred God willingly to share our human condition to the full.

In becoming man, the Word of God brought about a fundamental change in the very condition of time. We can say that in Christ human time was filled with eternity.

This transformation touches the destiny of all humanity, since "by his Incarnation, he, the Son of God, has in a certain way united himself with each man" (Gaudium et spes, 22). He came to offer everyone participation in his divine life. The gift of this life includes sharing in his eternity. Jesus said so especially with regard to the Eucharist: "He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life" (Jn 6, 54). The effect of the Eucharistic banquet is that we already possess this life. Elsewhere Jesus indicated the same possibility with the symbol of the living water that could quench thirst, the living water of his Spirit given in view of eternal life (cf Jn 4, 14). The life of grace thus reveals a dimension of eternity that lifts up our earthly existence and directs it, with true continuity, to our entrance into heavenly life.

3. The communication of Christ’s eternal life also means that we share in his attitude of filial love for the Father.

In eternity, "the Word was with God" (Jn 1, 1), that is, in a perfect bond of communion with the Father. When he became flesh, this bond began to be expressed in all Jesus’ human behaviour. On earth the Son lived in constant communion with the Father, in an attitude of perfect loving obedience.

The entry of eternity into time is the entrance, in Jesus’ earthly life, of the eternal love that unites the Son to the Father. The Letter to the Hebrews alludes to this when it speaks of Christ's inner attitude at the very moment he enters the world: "Lo, I have come to do your will, O God" (10, 7). The immense "leap" from the heavenly life of the Son of God into the abyss of human existence is motivated by his will to fulfil the Father’s plan in total self-giving.

We are called to assume this same attitude, walking on the way opened by the Son of God made man, so that we can share his journey to the Father. The eternity that enters into us is a sovereign power of love that seeks to guide our whole life to its ultimate purpose, hidden in the mystery of the Father. Jesus himself indissolubly linked the two movements, descent and ascent, which define the Incarnation: "I came from the Father and have come into the world; again, I am leaving the world and going to the Father" (Jn 16, 28).

Eternity has entered human life. Now human life is called to make the journey with Christ from time to eternity.

4. If in Christ time is raised to a higher level, receiving access to eternity, this implies that the approaching millennium must not be considered as merely the next step in the course of time, but as a stage in humanity’s journey towards its definitive destiny.

The Year 2000 is not only the door to another millennium; it is the door to eternity that, in Christ, continues to open onto time to give it its true direction and authentic meaning.

It discloses to our minds and our hearts a far broader perspective in which to consider the future. Time is often unappreciated. It seems to disappoint man with its precariousness, its rapid flow, which makes all things futile. But if eternity has entered time, then time itself must be recognized as rich in value. Its inexhorable flow is not a journey towards nothingness, but a journey to eternity.

The real danger is not the passing of time, but using it badly, rejecting the eternal life offered by Christ. The desire for life and eternal happiness must be ceaselessly reawakened in the human heart. The celebration of the Jubilee is meant precisely to increase this desire, helping believers and the people of our time to open their hearts to an unbounded life."

After the Catechesis, Papa San Giovanni Paolo II greeted the pilgrims in various languages:

"J'accueille avec plaisir les pèlerins de langue française présents à cette audience. En ce temps de l'Avent, puissiez-vous vous préparer activement à accueillir le Sauveur ! À tous, je donne la Bénédiction apostolique.

In particular I wish to greet the ecumenical group from Kristiansand in Norway. I extend a warm welcome to all the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors. During this season of Advent, may peace and joy fill your hearts as you prepare to celebrate the birth of the Saviour. Upon you and your families, I cordially invoke abundant divine blessings.

Diese Gedanken führen mich zur Aktion "Licht ins Dunkel", die auch heuer in Österreich stattfinden wird. Das Dunkel der Welt hat viele Gesichter: Armut, Krankheit, Behinderung, Krieg und Gewalt. Für unzählige Menschen in Not hat die Aktion, die in diesem Jahr ihr 25jähriges Bestehen feiern kann, "Licht ins Dunkel" gebracht. Durch den Lichtblick, der Menschen in Not geschenkt wurde, können sie erahnen, daß Jesus Christus, das wahre Licht der Welt, auch in dunklen Stunden nahe ist. Allen gilt mein Wunsch: Christus hat die Finsternis hell gemacht. Gesegnete Weihnachten!

Ebenso herzlich grüße ich die Pilger und Besucher aus den deutsch-sprachigen Ländern, besonders die Schönstatt-Pilgergruppe aus verschiedenen Diözesen. Ihnen allen sowie den über Radio Vatikan und das Fernsehen mit uns verbundenen Gläubigen erteile ich von Herzen den Apostolischen Segen.

Me complace saludar ahora a todos los peregrinos de lengua española venidos desde América Latina y España. Que la ya cercana celebración del Gran Jubileo ayude a los creyentes y a todos los hombres de nuestro tiempo a dilatar el corazón hacia una vida en plenitud. Con este deseo, os imparto con afecto la Bendición Apostólica.

Saúdo cordialmente os peregrinos de língua portuguesa, para todos implorando, neste tempo de Advento, que o Senhor venha aos corações de todos e, por intercessão de Maria, Imaculado Coração, se digne abençoar os frutos da Assembleia Especial do Sínodo dos Bispos para a América."

Traduzione italiana del saluto in lingua lituana

"Saluto cordialmente il gruppo giunto dalla Lituania: le allieve della scuola di balletto dell'Opera nazionale di Vilnius e i loro accompagnatori.

Carissimi, siamo entrati nell'Avvento, tempo di attesa e di gioia che c'invita a rivolgere il nostro sguardo verso il Cristo che viene rinnovando e rafforzando la nostra speranza. Accoglietelo con il vivo desiderio di crescere "in sapienza e grazia davanti a Dio e agli uomini" (Cf. Lc. 2, 52).

Con questo augurio benedico voi, i vostri cari e tutti gli abitanti della Lituania, soprattutto i bambini, gli ammalati e coloro che soffrono. Sia lodato Gesù Cristo!"


"Si celebra quest'oggi la Giornata Internazionale a ricordo della Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti Umani, approvata dall'Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite il 10 dicembre 1948. Prende il via, inoltre, oggi la Campagna 1998 per commemorare i cinquant'anni di questo storico evento. In tale contesto, ha luogo un'imponente manifestazione nazionale con l'adesione e la partecipazione di istituzioni pubbliche ed organizzazioni private.

Mentre mi unisco a queste iniziative, auspico di cuore che siano sempre più rispettati e promossi, da parte di tutti, i diritti di ogni uomo a salvaguardia dell'umana dignità e per favorire lo sviluppo autentico dell'intera umanità.

* * *

Rivolgo ora un saluto affettuoso a tutti i pellegrini di lingua italiana, in particolare alle Suore Domenicane Figlie del Santo Rosario di Pompei che, in occasione del centenario di fondazione dell'Istituto, hanno voluto, con questa loro visita, rinnovare al Successore di Pietro i loro sentimenti di affetto e di profonda comunione.

Sono lieto, poi, di accogliere il gruppo del SERMIG-Fraternità della Speranza, guidato dal fondatore, il Signor Ernesto Olivero. Mentre benedico le loro molteplici iniziative in favore della solidarietà e della pace, auguro di cuore che la loro opera costituisca per molti un segno del Regno che è già in mezzo a noi, e di cui siamo chiamati ad affrettare la piena attuazione.

Un cordiale saluto ai dirigenti, ai medici, ai docenti, agli alunni della Scuola infermieri professionali ed ai malati dell'Ospedale Civile di Barletta, venuti per far benedire la prima pietra della nuova sede ospedaliera dedicata al Servo di Dio Monsignor Raffaele Dimiccoli, esprimendo vivo compiacimento per l'iniziativa, insieme con l'augurio che la nuova struttura sanitaria possa essere all'avanguardia per l'efficienza e per l'afflato umano e cristiano.

Ringrazio, altresì, gli Ufficiali ed i Sottufficiali, con le rispettive famiglie, del Corpo d'Amministrazione dell'Esercito per la loro presenza ed auguro a ciascuno ogni bene nel Signore. Desidero, infine, indirizzare il mio pensiero ai giovani, agli ammalati ed agli sposi novelli.

In questo tempo d'Avvento Maria, che ci accompagna nel nostro itinerario verso il santo Natale, sia di modello per voi, cari giovani, nella crescita della fede; sia per voi, cari ammalati, segno di certa speranza e di consolazione nella prova della sofferenza, e per voi, cari sposi novelli, sia tenera Madre presso la quale potete trovare sempre consiglio e soccorso."

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